The Punxsutawney Spirit

Cloe bridge named in memory of fallen veteran

- By Larry McGuire

CLOE — The naming of the Larry E. Frantz Memorial Bridge finally came to fruition on Saturday, April 20.

Bob Lott, Mahoning Valley VFW Post 2076, said the bridge spans Canoe Creek in Cloe on State Route 36.

He said a standingro­om-only crowd was on hand at the post’s bridge dedication program.

“Private First Class Larry Frantz was killed in action in Vietnam almost 56 years ago on Aug. 29, 1968,” Lott said. “Larry’s brother John Frantz, got the bridge naming process started last year by contacting state Rep. Brian Smith’s office.”

Smith sponsored a bill that became part of PA Act 17 of 2023.

Unfortunat­ely, John passed away last November before he was able to see the results of his efforts.

His wife, Marge, provided much of the informatio­n to Smith’s office for completing the dedication program.

Lott said the guest speakers at the ceremony included Smith, Jefferson County Commission­er Scott North and VFW District 26 Commander Dave Seymore.

“Larry Frantz’s niece, Pastor Kelly Maine, provided a touching lesson of how a bridge provides a connection of two areas as Jesus Christ provides the connection between our Heavenly Father and those of us here on earth,” he said. “There were no dry eyes as she finished.”

Larry’s sister-in-law, Marge Frantz, read a couple of letters she received from comrades of Larry regretting that they could not attend the ceremony.

John and Marge had met them when they attended one of the reunions of Company B of the 14th Infantry Regiment.

“Bill Bishop, a very close friend of Larry, related how, after Larry had been killed in action, he was outside as two dark green government vehicles passed his house and pulled up the driveway to Larry’s parents’ home,” Lott said. “He is still haunted to this day as he remembers the

announceme­nt that his friend was gone.”

Bell Township Chairman Jeffrey Kromer and township employee Tony Adams were on hand to unveil the mock bridge sign.

The real signs had already been set up by PennDOT.

The Jefferson County Veterans Honor Guard provided the 21-gun salute and Taps. Post 2076 Chaplain Tim Brady had the opening and closing prayers, and Post Commander Jim Pallone led the Pledge of Allegiance.

For refreshmen­ts, the Post 2076 Auxiliary donated cookies and punch, and Marge Frantz provided a cupcake flag made with 54 cupcakes.

 ?? Photo submitted ?? The bridge spanning Canoe Creek on Route 36 in the Cloe area has been officially designated the Larry E. Frantz Memorial Bridge.
Photo submitted The bridge spanning Canoe Creek on Route 36 in the Cloe area has been officially designated the Larry E. Frantz Memorial Bridge.

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