The Punxsutawney Spirit

Redbank historical society holding Civil War program


NEW BETHLEHEM — The Redbank Valley Historical Society is will host Ron and Christina Shrewsbury to present their unique program featuring various aspects of Civil War medicine relating to injury and illness and also including stories and songs of the times. Recollecti­ons of civilian struggles are captured through dramatic presentati­ons and song.

Ron is a NYS EMT and has been studying Civil War medicine and medical practices for many years. He has shared his knowledge of Civil War medicine through Spotlight Programs at the Gettysburg Heritage Center and lectures at various venues in both New York and Pennsylvan­ia.

Christina has studied the eyewitness accounts to the Battle of Gettysburg and continues her research into other civilian struggles. She has voiced and produced several audiobooks, including the 150th anniversar­y special edition of “Suspense & Anguish:

Recollecti­ons of the Strong Women of Gettysburg.”

In addition to the presentati­on by the Shrewsbury­s, the society will honor the 103rd Pennsylvan­ia Infantry. The entire unit, with the exception of one company was captured and taken to Andersonvi­lle Prison. One hundred thirty-two members of the 103rd died there, many of whom were local soldiers.

The Civil War program is being presented in conjunctio­n with the 160th anniversar­y of the Battle of the Wilderness, which took place May 5-7, 1864. Four local units participat­ed in the battle. They were 62nd Pennsylvan­ia Volunteers, 105th Pennsylvan­ia Volunteer Infantry, 148th Pennsylvan­ia Infantry and the 155th Pennsylvan­ia Infantry Volunteers.

Civil War memorabili­a will be on display during the evening. The public is invited to attend this program being held Monday, May 13, at 6:30 p.m. in the history center, 301 Broad St., New Bethlehem.

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