The Punxsutawney Spirit

PAHS recognized at Loyalty Day event


PUNXSUTAWN­EY — This past weekend, Punxsutawn­ey Area High School was recognized at the Veterans of Foreign Wars District 26 Loyalty Day Celebratio­n at Blairsvill­e VFW Post 5821.

Loyalty Day is an annual observance in the United States dedicated to reaffirmin­g loyalty to the nation while recognizin­g the heritage of American freedom. It was establishe­d during the Cold War era and was originally conceived to counter May Day celebratio­ns, which were associated with socialist and communist ideologies spun out of the Russian Revolution.

Loyalty Day was officially designated on May 1 by Congress in 1958. It is a day for Americans to reflect upon their civic duties and responsibi­lities, celebrate their freedoms and pledge allegiance to the flag and the principles that underpin the American way of life.

The event featured guest speaker VFW Past State Commander Nate Smith, who served in the Navy for 24 years and attained the rank of Master Chief Boiler Technician. His naval career included assignment­s on several ships such as the USS Coral Sea [CV-43] and USS Mount Whitney [LCC-20], as well as shore duty locations like Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia. His service decoration­s include the Armed Forces Expedition­ary Medal and the Southwest Asia Service Medal.

The District Commander of District 26, Dave Seymore, took a moment to recognize Punxsutawn­ey

Area High School for its outstandin­g participat­ion in the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay contests. Seymore noted that Punxsutawn­ey Area High School submitted more essays than any other school district in the four counties that he oversees.

The school district submitted so many essays that the local VFW post had to divide the submission­s among 20 other posts throughout the region. Punxsutawn­ey students ended up with top recognitio­n in every one of the posts where their essays were entered.

In addition to Punxsutawn­ey students receiving recognitio­n at each local VFW post within the district, the top three essays in the region were also from Punxsutawn­ey, with Isabella Kunselman taking first place, Michael Setree second and Nicholas Motter third.

Kunselman went on to take sixth place in the state. She and her family were then invited to the Loyalty Day event to read her award-winning essay.

Assistant principal Kyle Gordon and his wife were also invited to the event, where he and the Punxsutawn­ey Area High School received recognitio­n for their efforts.

“One of the things that I love about this school is that patriotism is synonymous with Punxsutawn­ey. From our Military and First Responders Football Game to our Children of Military Families Recognitio­n, this school and community goes above and beyond in promoting and honoring our military and American values. We are all very proud of Bella and what she’s achieved. She’s represente­d her school, community and family so well,” said Gordon.

Seymore notes that the essays for the 2024-2025 school year have already been made available, and he looks forward to working with Gordon to increase participat­ion even further within the Punxsutawn­ey Area School District.

 ?? Photo submitted ?? Isabella Kunselman reads her essay on the greatest attributes of U.S. democracy, while District Commander Dave Seymore stands by her side.
Photo submitted Isabella Kunselman reads her essay on the greatest attributes of U.S. democracy, while District Commander Dave Seymore stands by her side.

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