The Punxsutawney Spirit

Trump says states should decide on prosecutin­g women for abortions, has no comment on abortion pill


CHICAGO (AP) — Former President Donald Trump says in a new interview it should be left to the states whether to prosecute women for abortions or whether to monitor women’s pregnancie­s. He declined to comment on access to the abortion pill mifepristo­ne, which has been embroiled in an intense legal battle.

In an interview published Tuesday by Time magazine, Trump responded to questions about how he would handle various abortion questions if elected by repeatedly saying it should be left up to the states.

“You don’t need a federal ban,” the presumptiv­e Republican presidenti­al nominee said. “Roe v. Wade ... wasn’t about abortion so much as bringing it back to the states. So the states would negotiate deals. Florida is going to be different from Georgia and Georgia is going to be different from other places.”

When asked if he would veto a bill that would impose a federal ban, he reiterated “it’s about states rights” and said “there will never be that chance” because Republican­s, even if they take back the Senate in November, would not have the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster and bring the bill to a vote.

Trump repeated his catchall states-rights response when asked if states should monitor women’s pregnancie­s so the government would know if they had an abortion. Amid debates about criminaliz­ing women for getting abortions, including those who self-manage with medication, experts have raised alarm over how modern surveillan­ce technologi­es could help law enforcemen­t agencies track and investigat­e abortions.

Trump also deferred to the states when asked if a woman should be punished for getting an abortion after a state has banned or restricted the procedure.

“The states are going to make that decision,” Trump said. “The states are going to have to be comfortabl­e or uncomforta­ble, not me.”

Democrats have recently seized on comments Trump made in 2016, saying “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions.

Abortion is a central campaign issue in the 2024 presidenti­al election as Trump seeks a more cautious stance on the issue, which has become a vulnerabil­ity for Republican­s and has driven turnout for Democrats. Trump’s deferring to individual states has drawn criticism from Democrats as well as conservati­ves and antiaborti­on groups seeking a federal ban.

The national anti-abortion group SBA Pro-Life America said in a statement that it was “disappoint­ed in President Trump’s position of relegating a human rights issue to the states.” The organizati­on also claimed Democrats would scrap the filibuster in order to “impose their agenda of abortion without limit on the entire country.”

SBA advocates for a national ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest and saving the life of the mother, but the organizati­on has voiced support for states with stricter bans.

As president, Trump appointed three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who helped form the majority that overturned the constituti­onal right to abortion, and he has taken credit for that during his campaign. Earlier this month, he said he was “proudly the person responsibl­e for the ending” of the 50-year-old ruling, Roe v. Wade.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has blamed Trump for a deluge of state abortion restrictio­ns put into effect since the ruling two years ago. His campaign also has warned that a second Trump term could lead to nationwide abortion restrictio­ns. Most recently, Biden blamed Trump for Florida’s six-week abortion ban during campaign events in the state last week.

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