The Punxsutawney Spirit

Clarion Cheers and Beers Walk to raise money for fireworks


CLARION — The Clarion Cheers and Beers Walk, sponsored by Northwest Bank, is an annual fundraiser to help pay for the fireworks for the “I Love Clarion” celebratio­n in July. This year’s 12th annual Cheers and Beers Walk is back by popular demand.

On Friday, May 3, there will be a total of 20 vendors participat­ing including wineries, seven distilleri­es and four microbrewe­ries. This is the biggest list of vendors that have ever participat­ed in the walk, allowing for 16 downtown businesses to host vendors from out of town as well as two local microbrewe­ries from the list of vendors.

Of those, almost half of the vendors are new and have never attended this event. Of the downtown business hosts, six of those have never had the opportunit­y to participat­e in the past.

Another addition this year are several downtown restaurant­s that are staying open later and/or are creating special menu items for walking with or eating while waiting your turn at the different locations.

“If you have never been to the Clarion Cheers and Beers Walk, this year is a great year to join us for the first time,” organizers said in a news release. “If you’ve been to one, some or all, you will not be disappoint­ed in how large the event has grown this year as there will be half a dozen more vendors than have ever been here before. Either way, grab your tickets at the Clarion Area Chamber, at sponsor Northwest Bank, from a Chamber Board Member or from one of many of the host businesses who are participat­ing this year.”

Tickets are $25 in advance for the 5 p.m. time slot or $30 for the early bird 4 p.m. time slot or at the door for $30 for regular or $35 for early bird.

For more informatio­n on the Clarion Cheers and Beers Walk 2024, including a full list of participat­ing businesses and vendors, or to purchase your tickets, contact the Clarion Area Chamber of Business & Industry at 814-226-9161 or email tracy@clarionpa. com or you can purchase your tickets online at https://www.eventbrite. com/e/12th-annualchee­rs-beers-clarion-patickets-8803755559­87.

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