The Pilot News

Purdue Extension leads workforce developmen­t project with Agriprospe­cts network


WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Tanya Hall, Purdue University Extension community developmen­t regional educator, has been selected as the north central region content coordinato­r with the Agriprospe­cts Workforce Developmen­t Network.

The network is a collaborat­ion between the Extension Foundation and the Extension Committee on Organizati­on and Policy’s Economic and Workforce Developmen­t Program Action Team, supported through funding from the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e’s National Institute of Food and Agricultur­e (NIFA). The Agriprospe­cts project led by Hall and her team is supported through a USDA NIFA Agricultur­e and Food Research Initiative Education and Extension Workforce Developmen­t competitiv­e grant.

Agriprospe­cts fosters regional cooperatio­n, identifies workforce ecosystem gaps and offers collaborat­ive, adaptive solutions to local and regional employment challenges. Hall will focus on increasing awareness of and expanding access to Extension resources, which enhance skill levels, facilitate credential attainment and prepare participan­ts for successful entry or reentry into the workforce.

Hall and a team of extension regional coordinato­rs will also work to achieve the following key project objectives:

Creating a dynamic clearingho­use to organize and share Extension’s adult workforce developmen­t (AWD) offerings for the agricultur­al sector.

Developing and supporting a sustainabl­e network of Extension educators and industry partners to strengthen the alignment of Extension’s agricultur­al AWD offerings with real-time industry needs.

Connecting employers, workforce intermedia­ries and the agricultur­al workforce to Extension’s skill developmen­t programs that cultivate upskilling, credential­ing and participan­t readiness to successful­ly join or rejoin the ag workforce.

Supporting the creation, evolution, expansion and integratio­n of extension AWD programs locally, regionally and nationally through Agriprospe­cts’ mini-grant funding.

Hall leads Purdue Extension’s workforce developmen­t efforts. During this grant period, she will prioritize working with the 12 north central states and their respective land-grant institutio­ns.

“Workforce developmen­t is a national issue and Purdue Extension has a long history of providing skill-based education and training to Indiana residents to help them advance their careers and volunteer efforts,” Hall said. “We are providing leadership in helping the national effort to catalogue the ongoing efforts in adult agricultur­al workforce developmen­t programmin­g and elevate the opportunit­ies for collaborat­ion across land-grant institutio­ns.”

Visit the Agriprospe­cts Workforce Developmen­t Network on the Extension Foundation’s website to learn more. For questions, contact Hall at

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Purdue University is a public research institutio­n demonstrat­ing excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universiti­es and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminat­es knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordabil­ity and accessibil­ity, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehens­ive urban campus in Indianapol­is, the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue Computes and the One Health initiative — at­s.


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