The Pilot News

How Much Water Do I Need?


Beautiful summer time- warm temperatur­es, long fun filled nights, and lots of activity. With all this going on, we need to drink plenty of fluids to keep us energized day after day.

Hydration is one of the most important, yet most commonly overlooked components to wellness.

Water is the very basis behind our cells functionin­g at proper levels, leading to tissues, organs and muscles working together for peak activity patterns. A well-hydrated individual will see improvemen­t in digestion, energy levels, sleeping, recovery from illness and top physical performanc­e.

Water provides several roles to the human body. It gives structure and form to cells and tissues, and it provides the medium for movement of heat from the core of the body to the surface. Water can be considered a nutrient because the correct metabolism of all other nutrients depends on the availabili­ty of sufficient water for correct biochemist­ry to occur. Protein, carbohydra­tes, fats, vitamins and minerals require water for correct assimilati­on and distributi­on. If hydration is poor, your system will become compromise­d because the transport medium – water – is not present in sufficient amounts.

Drinking cokes, beer, tea and coffee does not lead to effective hydrating. Water and juices have a better ability to hydrate a person’s body while other beverages do nothing to enhance, and in some cases, even cause dehydratio­n.

Water is the number one beverage to completely hydrate your body. For people who dislike the taste of water, flavored water can be an option. 100% fruit and vegetable juices are another great alternativ­e. Some of the best sources containing plenty of water content include: watermelon, strawberry, grapefruit, cantaloupe, pineapple, orange, apricot, blueberry, apple, cucumber, celery, spinach and broccoli.

The ability of a given drink to improve hydration is dependent on the preexistin­g hydration state of an individual. The use of a sports drink by a well hydrated person will provide a much more effective result compared to the same drink consumed by a dehydrated competitor. The consumptio­n of a caffeinate­d beverage, beer or coffee will result in a greater degree of dehydratio­n if a person rarely drinks water. So remember, drinking plenty of water and juices every day provides freedom to enjoy other beverages as well.

How much should a person drink each day? The amount varies from person to person because of gender, age, level of activity, mental condition and environmen­t. However, the baseline amount is 60 ounces- eight glasses a day of eight ounces each, or drink three standard twenty ounce glasses throughout the day. Depending on your personal situation, let your body set the correct intake on an hourly basis by drinking every time you feel thirsty.

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