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Mosson is Culver boys varsity basketball coach schools. His coaching career began at argos where he coached from 2014 to 2021. after this he coached girls basketball at Madison Grant High School for a year. His next stop was at Peru High School where he

- By gavin greer staff Writer

CULVER — Culver Community School Corporatio­n recently announced Drew Mosson as the 20th head coach of the Cavalier Boys Varsity Basketball team.

Becoming the coach of the Cavaliers allows Mosson to come back to Marshall County and coach within a conference that he is familiar with.

“Its exciting for me. Getting back to the area where I’m from, being in a conference that I’m used to and opponents that we are going to play are schools that I’ve played against, coached against in my career. Just kind of exciting to get back into Marshall County and try to build a program,” Mosson said when talking about what it means to him to become the coach of the Cavaliers.

Before making his way to coach at Culver, Mosson gained experience at a few other

year. Last year Mosson was a varsity assistant at Huntington North High School.

Mosson explained how his time at these other schools have helped shape him as a coach.

“at argos I worked for my dad. If you

know anything about John Glenn basketball, he kind of started it, he kind of got it to where it is today. Obviously learning under him for seven years was a big aspect for me becoming a coach. I spent a year as a head coach and then the two years that I’ve been

an assistant I’ve been under Eric thompson who started his career at Laville back in 2003. He does things similar to the way I believe in. It was nice to grow on my beliefs, just seeing it from a different person’s perspectiv­e, but he does things very similar to how we’re going to look at Culver this year,” Mosson said.

Looking toward this upcoming basketball season Mosson spent time talking about his expectatio­ns for his team.

“If you ask somebody that doesn’t know basketball, they might think it will be a rough year. You lose Jack Rodgers who averaged 20 points a game and you don’t really return a whole lot. I expect it to be competitiv­e in our conference. I expect to be competitiv­e in the Bi-county. Our sectional finally is away from triton, that helps us become a little more competitiv­e. I look to finish in the top third in the conference,” Mosson said.

He added depending on seeding, that Culver should be competitiv­e in Bi-county as well as sectionals.

“I’m excited for what we have returning. there is more talent than what people might think,” Mosson said.

Mosson gave a spotlight on a few of his players. One of these mentioned was David Hite, he is a senior for Culver.

Mosson hopes that he will be one of the team’s leading scorers. Twins,

Jonas and Caleb Mccuen are other players that

Mosson expects to do well for the team. He wants their scoring to increase, they both averaged about three points a game. Ethan Binion and Logan Caudill are other seniors who Mosson sees as role players for the team. Besides these upper class-men Mosson sees a few freshman and sophomores that could work their way into the rotation.

“Its a nice balance, each grade level there is a couple of kids that could potentiall­y work their way into varsity for sure,” Mosson said.

Mosson spoke about his hopes for his next several years with the team.

“I think the next couple years we should be really competitiv­e. Hopefully we can make it to the championsh­ip of the Bi-county, hopefully we’re finishing in the top three of the conference and again trying to win a sectional. I think all those are very reachable for Culver in the next handful of years. Thats where I want to get them, ultimately we want to win more than we lose and I do think that is possible this year,” Mosson said.

Mosson shared about what he wants his players, their parents and the community to know about him.

“I have a deep background in basketball. When I was a player at Triton we got to play in the state finals a couple of times while I was there. I’m kind of a proven winner in that regards, I learned how to win in high school and then as a coach at Argos we won back to back sectional titles in 2020 and 2021. My year at Peru we won the sectional as well. I’m easy enough to get along with. The community will get to know me pretty well. I call myself an open book, anyone can ask me whatever they want and I’ll give them an answer and be honest about that,” Mosson said.

 ?? PHOTO PROVIDED ?? Culver’s new boys varsity basketball head coach Drew Mosson with his wife Hannah and their son Lux.
PHOTO PROVIDED Culver’s new boys varsity basketball head coach Drew Mosson with his wife Hannah and their son Lux.
 ?? ?? Drew Mosson
Drew Mosson

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