The Pilot News

Grace nabs league’s SID of Year award


WINONA LAKE — Grace’s athletic communicat­ions office earned the 2023-24 Crossroads League SID of the Year award, announced on Tuesday.

The office, manned by Josh Neuhart, adam Basinger and Grant Cook, was selected as the top sports informatio­n department – as voted on by the league’s SIDS. Neuhart, who earned the distinctio­n in 201516 and 2019-20, is now the first three-time SID of the Year honoree from the league.

“The Crossroads League is filled with tremendous SIDS who encourage and challenge each other in our work,” said Neuhart. “I am thankful for them, and it is very humbling to be selected by them for this award. additional­ly, I am very thankful to

Dr. Drew Flamm, Chad Briscoe and our administra­tion for their support. adam Basinger and Grant Cook are second-to-none, both in their abilities in the profession and their hearts to serve our coaches, fans and student-athletes. Our coaches also make the job enjoyable and rewarding to work

alongside every day. I could not ask for a better group of people to be around.”

Grace’s marketing and visibility continued to grow in the past year. Grace’s website again topped 1.0 million pages viewed in the past school year, and it’s been ranked in the top 10 of the Naia for eight consecutiv­e years.

The office penned over 500 articles in 2023-24 and saw strong growth in social media reach on all platforms. The Grace Sports Network debuted in august, giving fans a dynamic livestream experience throughout the year.

additional­ly, Grace’s SID office won 26 national awards and was given the Naia’s Gary Spitler award as the top SID office in the Naia.

“Josh and his staff do a tremendous job serving Grace College,” said Grace’s Director of athletics Chad Briscoe. “This award is incredibly deserving for their work overseeing all the varsity programs at Grace. Josh is the longest-serving SID in the Crossroads League and is a leader among his peers.”

 ?? PHOTO PROVIDED/JEFF NYCZ ?? Grace’s SID office: Adam Basinger, Josh Neuhart and Grant Cook.
PHOTO PROVIDED/JEFF NYCZ Grace’s SID office: Adam Basinger, Josh Neuhart and Grant Cook.

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