The Pilot News

Taking a bite out of poor nutrition


Don’t you hate it when good news is also bad news? Take the latest findings about Americans’ nutritiona­l quality. Analysis of info on over 51,000 adults shows that since 2000, the number of folks who have a very lousy diet has decreased from 49% to around 38% of the population. But almost four of every 10 folks still have poor nutrition -- and that adds up to lots of health problems, from obesity to osteoarthr­itis, diabetes, cancer, dementia and depression. And while more people have an ideal diet today than did in 2000, it’s still less than 2% of everyone.

What did improve American’s dietary quality? Greater consumptio­n of nuts/ seeds, whole grains, and poultry and less consumptio­n of refined grains, drinks with added sugar, fruit juice and milk. The folks making the most improvemen­ts include younger adults, women, Hispanic adults, and people with higher levels of education, income, food security, and access to private health insurance. Unfortunat­ely, even for them, the amount of fruits, vegetables, and fish/shellfish consumed is unchanged -- and far too low.

Folks who still struggle with nutritiona­l quality include older adults, men, Black adults, and people with lower education, less income, food insecurity, or non-private health insurance.

Listen up, America. You may be taking a bite out of your health risks from poor nutrition, but it’s not enough to assure healthy longevity for a lot of you! So, tune into the free newsletter at Longevityp­ that outlines how to upgrade your nutrition! And enjoy Dr. Oz’s blogs on healthy living at

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