The Pilot News

Marshall County Mini 4-H Camp at Potawatomi Wildlife Park ignites learning and fun


TIPPECANOE — Marshall County mini 4-Hers embarked on an unforgetta­ble half-day adventure at Potawatomi Wildlife Park, immersing themselves in a day brimming with camaraderi­e and hands-on learning.

The day commenced with ice breakers fostering new friendship­s, followed by an engaging activity where campers explored the essence of the 4-H pledge, unraveling its meaning of head, heart, hands, and health.

The highlight of the camp was the “Fire+ marsh mellows= sm or es” session, where young participan­ts learned essential fire-building skills, emphasizin­g safety and technique. Under expert guidance, they ignited fires and celebrated with delicious s’mores, mastering the art of campfire cooking.

Next, campers eagerly delved into the art of fishing during the “Gone Fishing” activity, assembling their own fishing poles and practicing their casting skills by the serene waters of the park.

In the “Forestry and Nature Painting” workshop, campers honed their naturalist skills by identifyin­g local leaves and creating stunning leaf imprints on canvas, a project they can continue in their regular 4-H activities.

For lunch, campers enjoyed a delightful spread of pizza, chips, cookies, and popsicles.

The day culminated with the “Otter Hunt Club,” an exercise in trail navigation and map reading. Armed with newfound skills, campers embarked on a quest through the park, discoverin­g hidden boxes and earning flashlight­s to continue their outdoor exploratio­ns.

With the generous support of the Marshall County 4-H Council, all activities, supplies, and meals were provided free of

charge to campers. Heartfelt appreciati­on also goes out to Marshall County Jr. Leaders, who dedicatedl­y assisted campers throughout every activity as the park manager led the educationa­l programmin­g.

Reflecting on the day, participan­ts and parents alike expressed their enthusiasm. “My son said it was the best day of his life,” shared Kris Langel Fishburn, while Krystyna Hyrczyks said, “My son wanted to know what time he was going back tomorrow needless to say he was disappoint­ed that it was just for today.”

Potawatomi Wildlife Park Manager Lacey Pfeiffer added, “We were excited to have collaborat­ed with Marshall County 4-H Council on this camp. Connecting youth with nature and community is at the heart of our mission.”

For more informatio­n about Marshall County 4-H, visit or follow them on Facebook at “Marshall County 4-H - Purdue Extension.”

To discover Potawatomi Wildlife Park’s programs and initiative­s, visit potawatomi­wildlifepa­rk. com or find them on Facebook at potawatomi­wildlifepa­rk.

 ?? PHOTO PROVIDED ?? The Marshall County Mini 4-H Camp at Potawatomi Wildlife Park
PHOTO PROVIDED The Marshall County Mini 4-H Camp at Potawatomi Wildlife Park

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