The Pilot News

New gene news


If you know that certain conditions run in your family -- say, high blood pressure or Type 2 diabetes -- you may worry that no matter what you do, you’ll end up with the same health woes. Not true. An unhealthy lifestyle is much riskier -- accounting for more than a 78% increased risk of dying prematurel­y, regardless of genetic predisposi­tion. Genetic predisposi­tion, on the other hand, ups the risk of premature death by just 22% or less (no matter if you have a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle) compared to folks with life-extending genetics.

That was the conclusion of research published in BMJ Evidence-based Medicine that looked at more than 350,000 adults. It reveals that certain lifestyle choices -- diet and exercise, alcohol and tobacco use, and quality/quantity of sleep -- have the greatest influence on longevity.

So don’t have the blues about your genes. Discover the empowering support and advice we provide in our books, our new joint newsletter (sign up at Longevityp­ and our blogs at Dr. Mike is now a contributo­r there, too! You’ll discover that you have the inner strength to upgrade your habits, and we are here to make sure you have the informatio­n and encouragem­ent you want.

Our “You Tip” for today? Identify one area of your daily habits that you want to change. Then find a supporting posse. For example, go to Psychology­ to find a weight-loss support group. Get help to stop smoking at and find or start a walking group through, recommende­d by the American Heart Associatio­n. Your future starts today!

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