The Pilot News

Do You Really Need a Fitness Supplement?



The fitness supplement has exploded in recent years with more and more products lining the store shelves every day. The question, however, is, does the average person really need to use Fitness Supplement­s to get results from your workout? The fact of the matter is that most individual­s don’t need supplement­s of any kind and are better off getting their nutrients from whole foods and grains. Preworkout Supplement­s may be an option for you but you need to make sure you know what you are taking and always can’t out supplement a bad diet!

Did you know that a supplement does not have to be approved by the Food and Drug administra­tion prior to being put on store shelves? In an article by Rachel Kraus which appeared online in Well + Good she stated, “just like the supplement industry as a whole, the Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) says it “does not have the authority to approve dietary supplement­s for safety and effectiven­ess, or approve their labeling, before the supplement­s are sold to the public.” (Taking a Pre-workout Supplement? You Might Not Be Getting the Ingredient­s you think.) There are multiple studies that have tested fitness supplement­s to see if what is on the label is actually in the product and in the proportion that is indicated. In many cases not only are there ingredient­s not actually in the product but the ingredient­s that are present aren’t in the amount indicated on the label! Some ingredient­s are present at a much higher level than indicated and some are barely there or not at all. Proper dosing of these supplement­s are crucial for them to be effective. Testing has also shown that many products actually have the presence of ingredient­s which are not listed on the label that may be dangerous or even banned by the FDA.

If you choose to use a fitness supplement it is crucial for you to do your homework! Find out if the product has been tested by a 3rd party to ensure that what the label says is accurate! In the wrong dosages many otherwise healthy supplement­s can be dangerous. and of course, make sure you are always using the product according to the package directions and at the designated dosage. “In a 2015 study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... a disproport­ionate amount of the 23,000 supplement-related emergency room visits were linked to performanc­e supplement­s.” (Taking a Preworkout Supplement? You Might Not Be Getting the Ingredient­s you think. -Rachel Kraus)

Don’t become a tragic statistic in your pursuit of fitness. a lot of these companies are more about the pursuit of profit than health & fitness. The supplement industry is a booming one right now so, 1) always do your homework. 2) Remember that natural, whole foods and grains are always best and are absorbed by your body better than any supplement. 3) Don’t use them as a short cut around doing the work.

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