The Pilot News


How to register to vote


Dear Heloise: Next year, I will be eligible to vote for the first time. How do I register to vote in my state? -- Lisa G., Dillon, South Carolina

Lisa, it’s really simple. Just go to to start the process. Select your state or territory, and depending on your state’s rules, you will find instructio­ns on how you should register to vote. Another way to register to vote is to download the National Mail Voter Registrati­on Form. You can either fill it out online, then print it out, or print out the form and fill it in by hand. Don’t forget to sign the form before you mail it off to the location listed for your state.

Most states will also allow you to register in-person at your local Department of Motor Vehicles or an armed forces recruitmen­t center.

The Federal Voting Assistance Program lets you register to vote and ask for an absentee ballot if you:

-- Are a United States citizen living outside of the U.S.

-- Are a service member stationed abroad.

-- Are physically unable to go to the polls (but are registered to vote).

-- Are over a certain age. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: Is good quality pottery microwav able? How does one determine if plates, cooking items, etc., are microwavab­le? -- Dorothy P., San Antonio

Dorothy, most microwavea­ble bowls and dishes will say on the bottom whether they can be microwaved. You might see three or four small wavy lines on the bottom indicating that it is microwave-safe. The wavy lines are often on plastic containers that are safe to use in a microwave oven.

If you are not sure, there is a test that you can perform to see if the item is microwaves­afe. Place it and a cup of water in the microwave, and heat for 1 minute. If the dish or bowl is hot, but the water is not, it’s not safe for your microwave oven. Here is a list of things that should never be microwaved: -- No metal (not even aluminum) -- Single-use plastic

-- Takeout containers -- Styrofoam

-- Eggs

-- Frozen protein

-- Uncovered sauces

Hope this helps! -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: A few years back, I worked in Hollywood. My job entailed working in the makeup and costume department, which gave me some ideas on what to do and what not to do with makeup. I thought I’d pass them along to your readers:

1. To keep your eyebrows from looking shaggy, use some petroleum jelly on your brows and use a clean toothbrush to brush the hairs upward. You can also use hairspray in place of petroleum jelly.

2. Don’t wear perfume if you’ll be out in the sunlight for over an hour. You’ll possibly end up with a spot burn, and who needs that?

3. When you’re sitting, don’t cross your legs at your knees. Instead try crossing them at the ankle or not crossing them at all. Crossing your legs at the knees causes poor circulatio­n in your legs, and that is very bad for the veins in your legs.

4.Skip lip gloss in the daytime. Use it at night to give your lips a sexy shine.

5. Out all day? Reapply your sunscreen every two hours. -- Vera N., Culver City, California


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