The Pilot News

Three ways to protect your heart health


-- More than 30% of folks won’t get a flu shot this year.

-- U.S. adults spend nine and a half hours a day sitting or lying down.

-- A full 33% of American adults sleep six hours or less a night.

That’s the trifecta for heart woes. Below, a look at how reversing those common behaviors can protect you from cardiovasc­ular disease and heart attack.

1. Get your flu shot, especially if you have a chronic condition such as heart disease. It may reduce your risk of heart attack by 26% and the risk of cardiovasc­ular death by 33% according to three studies, the latest in Nature. The benefits may come from a reduction in inflammati­on, prevention of secondary infections associated with the flu, and ensuring stability of plaque in the arteries, which can become destabiliz­ed during the flu.

2. Stand -- and walk -in protest against sitting down. The internatio­nal Prospectiv­e Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep (ProPASS) consortium looked at data on more than 15,00 folks and found that replacing 30 minutes a day of sitting time with moderate to vigorous exercise significan­tly reduces your BMI and waist circumfere­nce, and lowers A1C readings -all important ways to protect your heart health.

3. Plan on sleeping more than six hours a night (but not more than eight). The Mayo Clinic says data on 3,000 adults ages 45 and older shows that folks who sleep fewer than six hours a night are at around double the risk for stroke or heart attack compared with people who sleep six to eight hours per night.

For in-depth info on how to adopt these heart-healthy habits, visit Longevityp­

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