The Pilot News

Always a Critic

Reflection­s on Romans 14:1-11


“Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong.” Romans 14:1

I read a news clip from Canada last weekend: A couple who had dated for several years decided to marry. They planned for months, and the day arrived. It was a lovely day with many family and friends gathered to support them. The service went off without a hitch; after the vows shared and prayers said for them, the priest said you may now kiss your bride. As the intimate moment occurred, an announceme­nt from the flower girl voiced “BAD KISS!’ In surprise the priest announced Bad Kiss, with shrugged shoulders the couple repeated the kiss, this time the flower girl gave them a thumbs up.

Critics are all around us. You and

I have critics who offer their opinions all of the time. Some comments are welcome, some are not. At times we expect someone to make a comment, sometimes we are amazed when they don’t come. The reason why critics feel their comments are warranted is because your experience is not their experience and they feel something needs correction. In reality when a critical comment is made, it is just another person’s opinion.

Jesus had many critics in his life. Critics felt he didn’t know what he was talking about, because his teachings were much different from what they were taught. Critics tried to trap him all the time, to prove that his teachings were false. The trap his opponents set was to belittle Jesus in front of people searching for the truth. If they had been successful Jesus would feel disgraced in the views of oth

ers. Rather Jesus used these opportunit­ies as a teaching point for God’s love and acceptance of all people. Instead of being belittled among people, Jesus was empowered.

The Apostle Paul tells us that we shouldn’t argue with others regarding their opinions. They are options and nothing more. When you hear a critic's comment and find some truth in what they say, you might consider their point and adopt their comment, or you may not; that is your choice. Every time I hear a critic’s comment, I say I will take that in considerat­ion. Later after considerat­ion I either act on it or disregard the thought.

If in your faith journey, you are attracting many critical comments. don’t be discourage­d. Jesus experience­d the same and if you are his active disciple, you will attract many more in your lifetime. A critic's comment is not good or bad, it is how you respond to that comment. When you receive the comment out of respect for the other person, then God is glorified, and the person is respected.

Dear Lord, comments that are critical I have felt unnerved when heard. But as you used them to glorify God, I wish to do so. Keep me surrounded by your Holy Spirit so that I may be graceful to others when comments are shared. Amen.

Dennis Wenzel is the Interim Pastor for St. John'snorth Liberty and Immanuel-plymouth Lutheran Churches in shared ministry.

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