The Pilot News

Bourbon Police Report November 2023

- By Jamie Fleury STAFF WRITER

BOURBON — Bourbon Police Chief William “Bill” Martin updated the Bourbon Town Council with the November 2023 Police Report.

The BPD Activity Report for November 2023 included seven accidents reported, ten uniform traffic tickets, one ordinance tickets, 32 school patrols, four written warnings, 15 verbal warnings, two vehicle identifica­tion checks, 22 traffic details including radar checks, three motorist assists, four attempts to locate and 16 foot patrols.

The BPD Criminal Activity Report for November 2023 included two felony arrests, three misdemeano­r arrests, seven case reports assigned, and four alarms. There were 457 daily log entires.

The BPD Administra­tive and General Report included 88 office details, zero firearms applicatio­ns, one records check / processing, 20 general complaints, 17 requests for service, 55 security checks, 34 public contacts, 22 assists to other agencies, four animal complaints, two notices served, three doors or windows found open, three family disturbanc­e complaints, three suspicious persons or vehicles, and five calls to 9-1-1.

Miles travelled on patrol and other duties for Chief Martin were 769 miles and four arrests. Officer Craig recorded 231 miles and zero arrests. Marshall County Sheriff’s Department (MCSD) Officer Prater recorded 231 miles and one arrest.

BPD Officer Vermillion recorded 410 miles and one arrest.

Officer Berry recorded 100 miles and zero arrests. Reserve and part time officers recorded a total of 546 miles and nine arrests.

The grand total for the BPD for the month of November was 2,471 miles and 15 arrests.

Chief Martin reported that the new hires are doing well.

Clerk-treasurer Kim Berger said, “They really are a good group.”

The Council approved the purchase of a radio for one of the Explorers to replace a radio that would no longer transmit. Though the current radio model could be replaced for $300, by 2026 the current model will not work with pending upgrades. A 7500 Multiband Mobile Radio Unit was approved to purchase in the amount of $2,500 which will be compatible with future upgrades.

Chief Martin plans to apply for grant funding to phase out the other units that will no longer be compatible in 2026.

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