The Pilot News

Bourbon Town Council holds final meeting of 2023, passes multiple ordinances

- By Jamie Fleury Staff Writer

BOURBON — The Bourbon Town Council held the final meeting for 2023 on Tuesday, December 12. President Ward Byers was thanked for his four years of service. Vice President Les Mcfarland, member Terry Clemens and newly elected Jonah Best will serve on the council in 2024 through their respective terms.

Ordinance 2023-11 Solar Panels was tabled so that the Plan Commission could review the ordinance in more detail; particular­ly where it pertains to the two mile zone.

The Council approved Ordinance 2023-14 amending pre-existing solicitati­on ordinance. To comply with State Statute, the town’s ordinance was updated to make an exception for religious organizati­ons. Religious organizati­ons are exempt from the permit requiremen­t when it comes to solicitati­on in the Town of Bourbon.

The Council approved Ordinance 2023-15 amending pre-existing speed limit on Sunset Drive. The speed limit was previously set at 15 MPH; State Statute permits a minimum of 20 MPH.

The Council approved Ordinance 2023-16 Utility Deposits which increases the amount of utility deposits for renters to $150 increased from $80. That increase will be effective on January 1, 2024. Residents can also expect to see their water rates increase by $17 per approximat­ely 4,000 gallons a month as Phase Two starts in January 2024 of rate increases resulting from the Water Treatment Plant Project.

The Council approved Ordinance 2023-17 Prohibitin­g Smoking in Public Parks. attorney alex Hoover rewrote the town’s current ordinance to encompass restrictio­ns including but not limited to

cigarettes, cigars, vape pens, e-cigarettes, JUUL, and any other device capable of producing smoke that is inhaled and exhaled. First offense is chargeable at $50, second is $100, and the third is $150. Tobacco Education Coordinato­r Annette Haining will obtain five signs for the Town of Bourbon to display.

The Council approved Ordinance 2023-13 2024 Salary Ordinance. Though the council previously discussed a larger pay increase for Utility Department employees starting in 2024, the ordinance provides the 3.5% increase for all employees with the exception of the Bourbon Police Department which saw a larger increase in wages.

A dual certificat­ion option which has already been establishe­d in the job descriptio­ns offer an opportunit­y for certain Utilities Department employees to obtain an additional wage increase upon successful completion. Should an eligible

Utilities Department employee successful­ly achieve that certificat­ion, the council would then accept the certificat­ion and amend the Salary Ordinance to reflect the wage increase.

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