The Palm Beach Post

If dogs are man’s best friends, they deserve better

- Your Turn

Most dogs run wild at the “bark park.” Even the most docile puppies tap into their primal nature and exhaust themselves when they meet furry friends in an open, safe, green space. But not Rocky.

When we took him to the neighborho­od dog park, our toy poodle strolled around the walkway the entire time. He was happy, but he carefully completed his steps on the sidewalk. My daughter – a teenager at the time – joked that Rocky looked like he was walking to the nearest Starbucks to grab a latte and newspaper. He was dignified and determined. Almost two decades later, that dignity and determinat­ion would mark his death.

This past February, when he was 18 years old, Rocky went on to paradise. Like millions of other people, I loved and lost a treasured family member. Losing Rocky was incredibly hard, but having him in our lives changed us all. But not everyone understand­s the value of caring for a companion animal once the novelty of getting an animal has worn off.

National Dog Day is a reminder of the benefits and challenges of caring for dogs, who bring amazing rewards and serious responsibi­lities. Almost 87 million homes — 66% of U.S. households – have pets, and 65.1 million U.S. households have a dog. Yet, each year, 3.1 million companion dogs enter community shelters – and many of those animals are “surrendere­d” or abandoned.

Rocky was one of those dogs returned by someone who was supposed

Olympia Duhart and her dog, Rocky, in 2021.

to love him. I will never understand why someone would give him up. But it was their loss.

When he was eight months old, we brought Rocky home after he had been discarded and hurt. Rocky was afraid of anything that looked like a stick. We took extra care when we were sweeping, mopping or even wrapping presents with a long tube of wrapping paper. Important responsibi­lities but with huge rewards. As I soon found out, the poodle was a favorite breed for a reason: Rocky

was smart, adorable, curious and affectiona­te. We could keep him safe.

When my son was diagnosed with autism, he was nervous about engaging with dogs because they could be unpredicta­ble, loud and messy. But Rocky’s reserved attention made it easy for anyone to bond with him.

Rocky was a calming presence who could help people feel more connected.

As I struggled with depression during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rocky was the steady balm I needed. He was always available for a “make out” snuggle. This helped me feel better; dogs can lower blood pressure and lift people’s moods.

It is no wonder that they became the “heroes” of the pandemic. The greatest gift Rocky gave to us came toward the end of his life. Like many senior dogs, Rocky showed signs of physical and mental decline over the last few years. He was deaf, almost blind, a cancer survivor, and weakened by a stroke. But he was still determined and dignified.

It was truly our turn to meet the responsibi­lity of caring for him. I felt a new, deepening love for my little companion who needed us more than ever.

Older companion animals face significan­t risks. According to a National Library of Medicine study, “The chance of a dog or cat getting adopted significan­tly decrease with age of the animal due to high kennel competitio­n against animals that have more ‘desirable’ traits. Furthermor­e, older animals are also more likely to be returned following adoption. The result of these factors is that older cats and dogs are amongst those with the greatest risk for euthanasia in a shelter.”

The people who surrendere­d Rocky almost 20 years ago lost the opportunit­y to experience the great gift of offering another living being unconditio­nal love. Through Rocky, I could see the immediate impact of the care I offered. In real time that meant guiding him out the back door, pretending to put seasoning on his prescripti­on dog food and carrying him to bed when he was too tired to get up from his little couch.

I am thankful I had the chance to act on these responsibi­lities.

Olympa Duhart is the associate dean for academic affairs and strategic initiative­s and a professor of law at Nova Southeaste­rn University’s Shepard Broad College of Law. This piece first appeared in USA TODAY.

 ?? Olympia Duhart Guest columnist ??
Olympia Duhart Guest columnist

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