The Palm Beach Post



If anything’s ‘rigged,’ it’s Judge Cannon

Proof positive that the GOP whining about rigged elections and criminal trials is the “randomly” selected U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, in the stolen documents case. Over and over, she has ruled in favor of the defendant, Donald Trump, much to the dismay of many legal scholars. She has also slow-walked the case to point that many won’t live to see it concluded.

John B. Kern, Juno Beach

Florida’s heat law’s legalized cruelty

Bill Cotterell’s June 9 article, “Lobbyists win out over human kindness for workers,” was spot-on. I dare any of the Republican­s who voted for this inhumane bill to work outside in this summer’s record heat for more than one hour without taking a water or shade break. Barring that, they need to explain, from the comfort of their air-conditione­d homes or offices, the rationale and justificat­ion for enacting such an unbelievab­ly cruel law.

Rick Lewis, Boynton Beach

LGBT picture disgusting

I was shocked and dismayed by the newspaper’s giant picture on the front page with a female holding a sign that read: “Drag Shows are safer than churches.” This is in such poor taste. I hope the paper issued an apology for this lack of civility. Maybe you need to go back to church to find yourselves.

Marion Frank, Wellington

Trump doesn’t deserve military vote

I flew along the Korean Demilitari­zed Zone in 1965. I flew helicopter­s in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968. Why did I? The answer is simple. I am proud to be an American and it was my duty to serve my country. Wearing the uniform always made me feel special. So I ask all veterans to answer a simple question: How can any veteran who proudly served support a draft-dodger, someone who disrespect­s the service of John McCain, a true hero, one who says while on sacred grounds in Normandy that those fallen heroes interned here are losers and suckers and that he does not want to be near disabled veterans for whom he has no respect and feels uncomforta­ble.

Isn’t it obvious that he thinks of no one but himself? If you served in the military, please think long and hard and deny Donald Trump your vote in November.

Sy Schwartz, Boynton Beach

Team USA draws foul with Clark

As everyone knows Caitlin Clark is currently the most popular woman basketball player in the United States and perhaps the world. Despite this, Team USA did not include her for the summer Olympics. The only time I have watched a women’s basketball game is when Clark played. I have kept track of her successes and difficulti­es. I will not watch any Team USA games and predict millions will not watch those games because Clark was left off the team.

Tony Siegel, Boynton Beach

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