The Palm Beach Post

LGBTQ+ representa­tion increases in government

Group hails gains, says more progress needed

- Sara Chernikoff USA TODAY

Nearly 1,300 elected officials in the U.S. are a part of the LGBTQ+ community − a number that continues to grow every election cycle but still falls far short of being representa­tive of the queer community.

About 7.6% of U.S. adults now identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgende­r, queer, or as something other than heterosexu­al, according to a recent Gallup poll. That’s compared to 3.5% in 2012, the year the national polling agency began measuring sexual orientatio­n and transgende­r identity.

While 7.6% of adults are queer, less than 1% of elected officials in the U.S. identify the same, though there’s no way to quantify those who hold office but haven’t come out publicly.

In order for the government to be fully representa­tive of the queer population, more than 35,000 LGBTQ+ people would need to be elected, according to the Victory Institute, a nonprofit focused on training LGBTQ+ leaders to run for office.

Although the queer community is underrepre­sented in government, an annual report by the organizati­on did identify gains in several areas.

“LGBTQ elected officials are on the front lines of defending our rights and freedoms, which are under threat at every level of government,” Victory Institute President and CEO Annise Parker, also the mayor of Houston, says on the group’s website.

Queer representa­tion gains

According to the most recent year of data available, 2022, those identifyin­g as gay represente­d the largest share of LGBTQ+ elected officials, with 544 gay men in public office within local, state and federal government­s.

The following groups made gains between 2021 and 2022:

● Nonbinary and genderquee­r elected officials increased from nine to 12.

● Transgende­r elected officials grew from 41 to 45.

● Bisexual elected officials increased from 71 to 90 during the same time period.

The growing number of adults identifyin­g as LGBTQ+ represents a greater sense of societal acceptance and/or support systems for those who identify as queer, Brandon Robinson, an associate professor and department chair of gender and sexuality studies at the University of California, Riverside, previously told USA TODAY.

Breakdown by state

Alabama, Wyoming and Idaho all have one elected official who identifies as queer. California, Illinois, Pennsylvan­ia, Massachuse­tts and Michigan all have more than 50 LGBTQ+ elected officials serving in local, state and federal office.

Ten states have fewer LGBTQ+ elected officials in 2022 compared with 2021. During the same time period, 22 states have more queer elected officials, the Victory Institute reported.

Between June 2021 and 2022, the share of LGBTQ+ elected officials who were affiliated with the Democratic Party increased from 73.1% to 75.1%. The share of LGBTQ+ elected officials who are affiliated with the Republican Party was much smaller, at 3%.

Contributi­ng: Marc Ramirez

 ?? NICOLE HESTER/NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN FILE ?? In order for the government to be fully representa­tive of the queer population, more than 35,000 LGBTQ+ people would need to be elected, according to the Victory Institute.
NICOLE HESTER/NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN FILE In order for the government to be fully representa­tive of the queer population, more than 35,000 LGBTQ+ people would need to be elected, according to the Victory Institute.

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