The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

NFL retirees who say the league’s disability plan is a sham can proceed to trial

- By Maryclaire Dale

A lawsuit accusing the NFL’S disability plan of violating its duty to retired players by routinely denying valid injury claims can proceed to trial on most counts, a federal judge in Maryland has ruled.

The lawsuit, filed last year, accuses officials who oversee the program of bad faith and flagrant violations of federal law. U.S. District Judge Julie R. Rubin said the suit can move forward against the board, but not against Commission­er Roger Goodell or trustees individual­ly, as they were not accused of wrongdoing.

Lawyers for the 10 retired players who signed onto the potential class action called the ruling Wednesday “a huge win” for those subject to what they called “systemic injustice.”

“We look forward to continuing to shine a light on this betrayal by the NFL, holding the plan fully accountabl­e and correcting this broken system so it is fair for players moving forward,” lawyers Chris Seeger and Sam Katz said in a statement on Thursday.

The board has six voting members while Goodell serves as the non-voting chairperso­n. An NFL spokesman did not immediatel­y return a message seeking comment.

Seeger is no stranger to battles with the league — he also represente­d players in concussion cases that led to a settlement that’s topped $1 billion in payouts.

The NFL has said it expected annual payouts for the disability plan to reach $330 million last year.

The program grew out of the 2011 collective-bargaining agreement between the players and the union, and was hailed as a way to help ailing former players. A successful claim can lead to payments of $65,000 to $265,000, but plain

tiffs lawyers say few retirees see the top amount.

The former players say they were denied benefits even though their time in the league left them with lingering physical or cognitive injuries that make their lives difficult and sometimes excruciati­ng.

The lawsuit also alleges that the doctors who examine players are more likely to get repeat referrals from the program if they deny claims. One neuropsych­ologist who was paid more than $800,000 examined 29 former players and denied their claims in every case, according to the lawyers.

The judge ruled that the lawsuit can now move forward to discovery, when the two sides exchange evidence. She said the plaintiffs have plausibly alleged that the board disregarde­d the plan’s stated goals, failed to consider the entire record in evaluating claims and failed to offer reasoned decisions.

The plaintiffs include Willis Mcgahee, a first-round pick in 2003 who spent 11 seasons in the NFL. Mcgahee said he’s had more than a dozen surgeries for injuries he suffered as a running back, has dark moods and struggles to play with his young sons, but his claim was denied.

 ?? STEVEN SENNE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Cleveland Browns running back Willis Mcgahee is helped from the field after getting injured in the fourth quarter of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots on Dec. 8, 2013, in Foxborough, Mass.
STEVEN SENNE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Cleveland Browns running back Willis Mcgahee is helped from the field after getting injured in the fourth quarter of an NFL football game against the New England Patriots on Dec. 8, 2013, in Foxborough, Mass.

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