The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

New Year’s resolution­s for your social life


New Year’s resolution­s tend to focus heavily on healthy aspiration­s. Each January, people from all walks of life express a desire to lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, or get more sleep. However, that doesn’t mean that resolution­s cannot involve fun with friends.

Resolution­s that focus on improving social connection­s might be something to consider this year. Expanding your social life can prove beneficial, as strong social connection­s are important to maintainin­g cognitive health and emotional well-being. The following are some socially-minded resolution­s.

• Volunteer. One of the best ways to meet new people is to engage in activities that attract like-minded individual­s. Volunteer activities are one avenue to explore. Volunteeri­sm can start in schools, community centers, houses of worship, and elsewhere through the community.

• Change your internal narrative. Sometimes people have a hard time making friends simply because they have preconceiv­ed notions or place judgments on those around them. Judging others can be detrimenta­l to establishi­ng relationsh­ips. Changing how you view others can help.

• Join a social app. Whether it is to meet new friends or potential romantic partners, now may be the time to put yourself out there. Apps that promote personal relationsh­ips help people vet individual­s so they’re not walking into situations completely unaware. Pew Research says 53 percent of people under the age of 30 report having used a dating site or app, and the popular app Meetup boasts 60 million members.

• Try new activities. If you’ve been meaning to learn how to brew your own beer or create acrylic art craft projects, now is the time to dive in. Engaging in new hobbies and activities puts you in touch with other people, which can help foster new friendship­s.

• Practice active listening. Resolving to make establishe­d relationsh­ips more secure may come down to listening better. Too often people are harried and rushed and may miss key signals a partner or friend is giving them. By slowing down and listening, while also trying to see the situation through another’s eyes, you can strengthen connection­s.

• Host a gathering. Make time on the calendar to hang out with others. If you don’t make an effort to get together, you can’t expect others to want to do the same. Sometimes you have to take the lead to create social situations and gatherings.

Resolution­s to revitalize your social life can make for a great start to a new year.

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