The Oklahoman



C. Gibbs College of Architectu­re provides fifth-year students with the chance to build a real-world, full-scale project for an underrepre­sented or under-resourced community. In recent years, projects have included a greenhouse for Mark Twain Elementary School in Oklahoma City and a mobile medical unit for the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes.

Patrick Duffy, the John Rex superinten­dent, said he’d heard about greenhouse­s built at other schools and reached out to the OU design-and-build team about a similar project.

“We’d been interested in a greenhouse. My idea of a greenhouse is probably what most people would think of, a small little greenhouse in a backyard,” Duffy said. “We reached out to them and realized what they did was much larger. Once we talked about it, and saw that we could do it on the school grounds, then we decided to move forward with it.”

The OU course is supervised by Bryan Bloom, an assistant professor of constructi­on science, and Ken Marold, a lecturer in the College of Architectu­re. They complete the design work for the projects ahead of time. Bloom and Marold lead Renegade Design+Build, a Norman-based entity that’s part of the College of Architectu­re.

Then, during the spring semester, students take the design from plans to completion, fabricatin­g the necessary components in the university’s “Creating Making Lab,” working in the field to prepare the constructi­on site and eventually completing the on-site build.

“A lot of times, we’re focused on agricultur­e and community-based work,” Marold said.

Bloom said students in the class must work on a tight time frame of roughly two semesters.

“It’s pretty ambitious as a class,” Bloom said. “It’s something that students are choosing to participat­e in. It’s not a requiremen­t, so usually the students want the extra effort these projects take.”

John Rex greenhouse, garden will provide learning opportunit­ies, as well as food

Audas said the greenhouse and gardens will provide hands-on opportunit­ies to teach and learn science at John Rex, a public school that serves both elementary­and middle-school students.

“Inside of our greenhouse, we have an area that’s an outdoor classroom, and we also have picnic tables that will be a second outdoor classroom,” she said. “If we net any butterflies, we can go right here and work with those hands-on. Also, if we’re going to do studies about seeds, we can come right here and go find seeds.”

The garden and greenhouse will produce fruits and vegetables. Some of that will be used in student lunches, and the school would like to partner with agencies and restaurant­s who could use the food as part of their menus, Duffy said. Among those are Sailor and the Dock, a market business incubator located just down the street from the school along Sheridan Avenue in Film Row.

“We want to find out how we can give back to the community and make sure what we do is for a purpose when we grow,” Duffy said.

Holt noted how John Rex was a vision of the “MAPS for Kids” program approved by Oklahoma City voters in 2001. Back then, Holt said, a mentality that downtown “was largely dead” still permeated throughout the city.

“It seemed like every aspect of life was lacking from downtown Oklahoma City, so the vision here was to have a school,” Holt said. “Among the other elements of a great downtown, if you really want people to live down here, and have families, you’re going to have to provide an education for them and you’re going to have to have a school.

“It has turned out so wonderful that we have a great school down here.”

He noted that the school’s new greenhouse will add something else many downtowns lack: a link to the city’s agricultur­al roots, something students now have a chance to learn more about.

“We need to make those connection­s for them, and this provides a special opportunit­y for that, as well,” Holt said.

 ?? PHOTOS BY DOUG HOKE/THE OKLAHOMAN ?? Teachers at John Rex Elementary School hope their new greenhouse will be a year-round space for learning.
PHOTOS BY DOUG HOKE/THE OKLAHOMAN Teachers at John Rex Elementary School hope their new greenhouse will be a year-round space for learning.
 ?? ?? A new garden space at John Rex Elementary School includes a greenhouse, outdoor classroom and a programmab­le watering system.
A new garden space at John Rex Elementary School includes a greenhouse, outdoor classroom and a programmab­le watering system.

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