The Oklahoman

Old computers an obsession for collector

- Matt Soergel

JACKSONVIL­LE, Fla. – David Greelish’s love for what we now think of as retro computers began when the machines were quite new. It was during a 1975 trip to the University of North Florida computer lab, when he was in the fifth grade.

He remembers the mainframe computer wasn’t visible to the students, but there were all those teletype printer terminals. They looked like big typewriter­s, and he remembers the thrilling sound of all the machines coming to life. The machines began printing out messages of welcome to young David and his fellow Cedar Hills Elementary students, then printed out each of their names, to his amazement.

They then played a game of “Star Trek” on the computer – text only, one clunky move at a time, but nirvana to a budding “Star Trek” and science fiction fan.

“Though primitive, this computer was interactin­g with me. It greeted me, said my name, ‘Hi David.’ ” he said. “To interact with computers, that connected me with it right then. I was completely sold then, that this is the future.”

And his path was set for life.

Greelish, 59, who lives in Clay County, Florida, is a computer historian whose interest in old computers has led him to be a collector, writer, podcaster and organizer of vintage computing festivals.

That interest also took him on numerous trips across the U.S., from Boston to Silicon Valley and spots in between, to make a documentar­y released recently on Vimeo called “Before Macintosh: The Apple Lisa.”

It tells the story of the Lisa, an early Apple desktop computer, introduced in 1983 and co-designed by Steve Jobs, who was kicked off the Lisa team well before its release. It was a user-friendly computer with features that would be familiar to users today: a mouse, icons, windows, a graphics screen.

Even so, it was considered a market failure: At $10,000, it was more than most individual­s were willing to spend, especially as the much cheaper Apple Macintosh (also a Steve Jobs project) came along.

The Lisa didn’t last long, and in 1989 Apple dumped many hundreds of obsolete models in a Utah landfill, where bulldozer drivers were instructed to properly smash them so nothing could be salvaged. Greelish and his camera visited the site as part of the documentar­y.

Even so, that model was far from a dead end, he maintains: “I think what the movie clearly shows is that it was an industry changer. On its own, as a product, it failed, but some of the same people and the same key technologi­es it created fed right into the Macintosh.”

Greelish’s film, aimed squarely at retro computer fans, is made up of interviews he conducted with collectors and experts, as well as Apple computer designers and one-time Apple CEO John Sculley. He also talked with Sun Remarketin­g’s Bob Cook, who sold retrofitted, highly discounted Lisas that then worked much like the more popular Macintoshe­s.

Greelish bought one of the retrofitted Lisas in 1989 and started collecting computers in 1993. At one point, his collection filled a two-car garage. It’s considerab­ly smaller now, though he still has a Commodore 64, an old Mac Plus and a reproducti­on of the Altair 8800. He also has an original iPhone from 2007 and an original Android phone from 2008.

He’s had four Lisas in his life but he no longer owns one. He sold his last one when it went on the fritz.

Computer history

Greelish calls himself a computer historian, a descriptio­n he initially felt uneasy embracing. But he’s spent decades researchin­g the subject. He is, he decided, an autodidact – a self-taught expert.

He has a blog, classiccom­, and has written articles for numerous websites. He was interviewe­d by, and his love for old computers was featured in Texas Monthly magazine in 1994, when he was an Army radio repairman at Fort Bliss.

He knows that not everyone shares his fascinatio­n with the old boxy, beige machines from decades ago. “People laugh at the innovation of the past – ‘Haha, isn’t that goofy?’ But it’s not. It was innovative and cutting-edge. You can’t look at them through the lens of today,” he said.

Put the smartphone down?

Greelish likens the early years of computer-making to the days of exploratio­n and discovery.

“It was very exciting, it was unknown territory. People were learning, and some people got rich, some didn’t,” he said. “I was kind of reliving it because I’m discoverin­g all this stuff myself that nobody seems to care about much.”

For him, though, that journey of discovery and innovation is consequent­ial and endlessly fascinatin­g. He likens the creation of the personal computer to the invention of the printing press. Both, he said, democratiz­ed learning and the ability to gain informatio­n.

For all his love of computers, however, Greelish suggests that people should sometimes put down their smartphone­s and actually communicat­e without them.

 ?? COREY PERRINE/FLORIDA TIMES-UNION ?? David Greelish recently made a documentar­y, “Before Macintosh: The Apple Lisa.” He traveled around the country to interview people involved in the creation of the 1980s computer, which was considered a market failure but which he thinks had a huge impact on computers today. He’s had four Lisas in his life but he no longer owns one.
COREY PERRINE/FLORIDA TIMES-UNION David Greelish recently made a documentar­y, “Before Macintosh: The Apple Lisa.” He traveled around the country to interview people involved in the creation of the 1980s computer, which was considered a market failure but which he thinks had a huge impact on computers today. He’s had four Lisas in his life but he no longer owns one.

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