The Oklahoman

Bethel sophomore Kutter Boone is the Student of the Week


The votes are in!

Kutter Boone, of Bethel, is The Oklahoman’s Student of the Week.

Boone, described in his nomination as a “great example of someone who works behind the scenes to do good deeds for the school community” earned 91% of the votes cast in the poll to nab the top spot.

The Oklahoman asked superinten­dents, principals, teachers and guidance counselors from across the Oklahoma City area to participat­e in the Student of the Week program by sending nomination­s for their student.

Readers got to pick the best of the best in our poll.

Nomination­s for next week’s poll are still being accepted. To nominate a student, school faculty can email StudentOfT­

Here were the nominees for this week’s poll:

h Kutter Boone, Bethel: As a sophomore, Boone is an active member of Bethel’s FFA program that was described as always willing to help anyone in need. “Kutter helps our custodian daily to take out the trash,” said Bethel Assistant Principal Courtney Howser. “He is a great example of someone who works behind the scenes to do good deeds for the school community.”

h Henry Field, Oklahoma Christian School: A student-athlete that made valuable contributi­ons to the football team, Field was described as “eager and ready to learn.” “He can see parts of science in a different dimension than most, able to see a few steps ahead rather than just the current step at hand,” said OCS counselor Sherry Sage. “He is a joy to have in class!”

h Grace Slovak, Harding Charter Prep: Slovak is involved in a little bit of everything at Harding Charter, and she does it while maintainin­g a 4.0 GPA. She received the AP Scholar with Distinctio­n award — given to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken. She is the National Honor Society parliament­arian and the Harding Charter orchestra concert master. She has also participat­ed in basketball, volleyball, track and field and she has been a baseball manager.

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