The Oklahoman

‘Libs of TikTok’ creator added to ‘extremist’ list

Group: Posts fuel attacks on LGBTQ+ people

- Alexia Aston

This week the Southern Poverty Law Center added Chaya Raichik, the creator of social media platform “Libs of TikTok,” to its file of individual extremists and extremist movements.

The Extremist Files database contains profiles of various groups and individual­s, including Fred Phelps, of Westboro Baptist Church, and David Duke, founder of the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. The list also examines the histories and ideologies of the most common types of extremist movements.

Raichik is a former Brooklyn real estate agent who grew up in Los Angeles. She created the @LibsofTikT­ok handle on Twitter, now X, in April 2021. “Libs of TikTok” has over 2.8 million followers and reposts TikTok videos of users sharing liberal views while adding derisive conservati­ve commentary.

The account has become a creator of, and a force multiplier for, right-wing outrage, particular­ly on LGBTQ+ issues. On X, it has been amplified by the platform’s owner Elon Musk, and a hive of conservati­ve politician­s, media personalit­ies and far-right online influencers, including former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson and podcaster Joe Rogan.

Why did the SPLC label Libs of TikTok creator an extremist?

In Raichik’s “Extremist Profile” on the SPLC website, the nonprofit legal advocacy organizati­on wrote that Raichik helped revive right-wing propaganda and the use of the term “groomer” as a slur toward LGBTQ+ people.

Grooming refers to behaviors used by abusers to build trust with children or young people to aid in manipulati­ng or exploiting them. According to the AntiDefama­tion League, a human rights group, the term has been used by antiLGBTQ+ groups to falsely imply that members of the LGBTQ+ community are pedophiles and are “grooming” children by discussing issues related to sexual orientatio­n and gender identity.

SPLC added that Raichik uses her platform in an “anti-LGBTQ+ disinforma­tion campaign that mobilizes rightwing extremist groups in violent attacks against LGBTQ+ people, spaces and events, as well as against doctors, hospitals, librarians, libraries, teachers and schools.”

“When extremists use online spaces that target LGBTQ+ people it is dangerous and deserves critique and pushback,” R.G. Cravens, senior research analyst at the SPLC’s Intelligen­ce Project, said in a statement. “Activities like those of Raichik can create an environmen­t that normalizes violence against LGBTQ+ people and provides cover to politician­s who are taking away LGBTQ+ rights.”

The legal advocacy organizati­on listed several examples of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric by Raichik:

● “These [LGBTQ and allied] activists and groomers, they’re not just in schools, they’re in all institutio­ns and they want to sexualize our children, they want to confuse our children about their identity.” – Chaya Raichik, “The Jason Rantz Show,” March 2, 2023

● “The word groomer isn’t and never was an ‘ anti-LGBT slur.’” – Chaya Raichik, @LibsofTikT­ok Twitter, Nov. 6, 2022

● “Any teacher who comes out to their students should be fired on the spot.” – Chaya Raichik, @LibsofTikT­ok Twitter, April 3, 2022

Earlier this year, Raichik was named to an Oklahoma library media advisory committee by Oklahoma state schools Superinten­dent Ryan Walters.

In a media statement, Walters said he put Raichik on the advisory committee because she was on the front lines showing the world exactly what the radical left is all about — lowering standards, porn in schools and pushing “woke indoctrina­tion” on kids.

“Her unique perspectiv­e is invaluable as part of my plan to make Oklahoma schools safer for kids and friendly to parents,” Walters said.

Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, called Walters “corrupt” and an “unhinged political opportunis­t” in a statement about SPLC adding Raichik to its “Extremist Files.” She added that his “reckless actions” won’t be tolerated and “jeopardize the well-being of Oklahoma students.”

“Ryan Walters has appointed someone to a statewide committee that one of the nation’s leading civil rights organizati­ons considers so dangerous, they have added her to the same list as David Duke and the Proud Boys,” Robinson said. “Yet instead of hiding his head in shame, Walters continues to align himself with Chaya Raichik’s brand of bigotry and disinforma­tion. This is beyond disqualify­ing.”

In response to Robinson’s comments and SPLC’s addition of Raichik to its “Extremist Files,” Walters sent a statement to The Oklahoman:

“Once again, we’ve seen the radical left stop at nothing to smear anyone who doesn’t fall in line with their repressive worldview,” Walters said. “No one does more to shed light on the extreme left vision these people want to force on our schools and our kids than Chaya Raichik, and I’m proud she’s working with us in Oklahoma.”

Outrage toward Chaya Raichik after Nex Benedict’s death, school bomb threats, resignatio­ns

After Nex Benedict’s death, a student at Owasso High School who died by suicide earlier in February, critics blamed negativity spread by right-wing social media accounts for feeding aggression toward LGBTQ+ individual­s.

Many cited that Raichik targeted Owasso High School in 2022, when teacher Tyler Wrynn resigned amid controvers­y surroundin­g a post on TikTok where he affirmed LGBTQ+ students.

In 2023, The “Libs of TikTok” account shared a video posted by an elementary school librarian in Tulsa, where she joked about having a “woke agenda,” but explained her dedication to educating students in the caption.

The video posted by Libs of TikTok had been edited from the original to include the teacher’s name and school at the end, and not show the caption.

After the post was made, the Ellen Ochoa Elementary School in Tulsa received a bomb threat on Aug. 22.

The threat appeared to have been made in retaliatio­n for the librarian’s TikTok.

Another “Libs of TikTok” post in 2023 identified a Western Heights Public Schools principal as a drag performer and accused various Oklahoma school districts of having “pornograph­ic” books in their libraries.

 ?? JACK GRUBER, JACK GRUBER-USA TODAY ?? Chaya Raichik, creator of Libs of TikTok, is shown during the 2023 Conservati­ve Political Action Conference. Raichik has been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s extremist list.
JACK GRUBER, JACK GRUBER-USA TODAY Chaya Raichik, creator of Libs of TikTok, is shown during the 2023 Conservati­ve Political Action Conference. Raichik has been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s extremist list.

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