The Oakland Press

Biden and Trump poised for potential rematch that could shake politics


U.S. presidenti­al elections have been rocked in recent years by economic disaster, stunning gaffes, secret video and a pandemic. But for all the tumult that defined those campaigns, the volatility surroundin­g this year’s presidenti­al contest has few modern parallels, posing profound challenges to the future of American democracy.

Not since the Supreme Court effectivel­y decided the 2000 campaign in favor of Republican George W. Bush has the judiciary been so intertwine­d with presidenti­al politics.

In the coming weeks, the high court is expected to weigh whether states can ban former President Donald Trump from the ballot for his role in leading the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrecti­on at the U.S. Capitol. Meanwhile, a federal appeals court is weighing Trump’s argument that he’s immune from prosecutio­n.

The maneuvers are unfolding as prosecutor­s from New York to Washington and Atlanta move forward with 91 indictment­s across four criminal cases involving everything from Trump’s part in the insurrecti­on to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his hush money paid to a porn actress.

Depending on how Trump’s appeals play out, he could be due in court as early as March 4, the day before Super Tuesday, raising the unpreceden­ted prospect that he could close in on the GOP nomination from a courtroom.

On the Democratic side, President Joe Biden is seeking reelection as the high inflation that defined much of his first term appears to be easing. But that has done little to assuage restless voters or ease widespread concerns in both parties that, at 81, he’s simply too old for the job.

And at least three serious candidates who have launched outsider presidenti­al bids threaten to scramble the campaign and eat into the support from independen­t voters who were critical to Biden’s success in 2020.

Facing such uncertaint­y, few expect the traditiona­l rules of politics to apply in 2024. Jim Messina, who managed former President Barack Obama’s reelection, said Trump could very well defeat Biden in the fall, even if the former president is in prison.

“We just don’t know,” Messina said. “Everyone in the world knows, especially me, that this election is going to be really, really close.”

Implicatio­ns for abortion, immigratio­n and U.S. role in the world

The results will have long-term implicatio­ns on everything from the future of abortion rights and immigratio­n policy to the role of the U.S. in the world.

A Trump victory would raise the possibilit­y of the U.S. largely abandoning Ukraine as it seeks to repel Russia’s invasion. Domestic politics could also test Biden’s commitment to Israel, a policy that threatens to erode his standing with young voters and people of color who are critical elements of his coalition.

One of the few certaintie­s at this point is that Biden is a virtual lock to be the Democratic nominee again, facing only token opposition in this year’s primary despite overwhelmi­ng concerns within his own party about his physical and mental fitness. And though a few rivals are fighting furiously to stop Trump, he is well positioned to win the GOP nomination for the third consecutiv­e election.

The strength of the GOP opposition to Trump will become more clear on Jan. 15 when the Iowa caucuses launch the nomination process. Trump holds a commanding lead in most national polls, although former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are fighting to stop him.

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