The Nome Nugget

Mizuktata stands pop up all over Nome

- By Colin A. Warren

Kids across Nome set up their tables to sell lemonade and baked goods all over, and outside, the city last Saturday at 36 different locations.

Mizuktata or, “Let’s Drink Juice,” in Iñupiaq, the local version of Lemonade Day, was a marked success as many locations saw long customer lines and sold out of their juice in just a couple hours after opening.

Billie Jean Miller, who helped her nieces set up their Mini-Miller stand on West Third Avenue, showed the Nugget pictures of the long line their stand had at opening while the girls Starlett, Bree and Tayla offered kindness, lemonade, and sweets to all that walked up. They had spent hours baking cookies and cakes the days before.

Lemonade Day was created by a nonprofit in Houston in 2007 to encourage entreprene­urship and learn the skills needed to run a business. The nonprofit charged licensing fees to participat­e. The state of Alaska had used their services from 2011 until 2015. When the state stopped participat­ing, two Nome locals, Krystal Hensley and Renee Joyce, stepped up to create their own version of the event, which is how Mizuktata was born.

Kawerak, The City of Nome, Credit Union 1, Norton Sound Health Corporatio­n, and Nome Eskimo Community all supported and donated to make the event happen.

The lemonhead brigade, which dons lemon-head costumes to celebrate the day, were seen all over town visiting many stands.

The event ended with a celebratio­n featuring workshops, prizes given away donated by organizati­ons, cake, and comradery. The prizes included bikes, sweaters, gift cards, and more.

Citizens reported to the Nugget that Lemonade Day stands were also set up in Unalakleet and Shismaref.

 ?? Photo by Colin Warren ?? LEMONHEAD – Maliyah Ustaszewsk­i, Ian Kuzuguk, and Johanna Berroteran run a lemonade stand as they welcome Ali Smithhisle­r in costume to celebrate the entreprene­urial day.
Photo by Colin Warren LEMONHEAD – Maliyah Ustaszewsk­i, Ian Kuzuguk, and Johanna Berroteran run a lemonade stand as they welcome Ali Smithhisle­r in costume to celebrate the entreprene­urial day.
 ?? Photo courtesy Joanne Hanson ?? UNALAKLEET— Christophe­r Hanson and his stand in Unalakleet.
Photo courtesy Joanne Hanson UNALAKLEET— Christophe­r Hanson and his stand in Unalakleet.

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