The Nome Nugget

Bering Sea Ballet puts on first dance recital

- By Miriam Trujillo

On Saturday, May 11, Bering Sea Ballet put on their first dance recital, a culminatio­n of nearly two months of hard work for many student dancers across the Nome community.

The dancers and their families gathered in the gym of Nome Elementary School where volunteers had placed gymnasium mats for the artists to dance on.

Dressed in black leotards and skirts, the dancers treated their audience to four numbers. The youngest dancers started the recital with a routine to the song “Flowers in the Garden.” Then, the older dancers of Bering Sea Ballet performed to the song “Rewrite the Stars.”

The third dance was a number from a Youth Acro (Acrobatics) dance class that partnered with Bering Sea Ballet to put on the recital.

The fourth and final dance was an acro solo performed by seventh grader Noel Pardee.

Bering Sea Ballet is in its first season. Its founder, Rabekka Bickford shared how the brand-new dance group got its start. “I recruited the teachers (Brodie Kimmel and Kimberly Grimmer). We sought help from NSHC CAMP department for funding for the ballet bars and the space rental,” Bickford said. “We met once a week. We work on fundamenta­ls of ballet then choreograp­hy.”

As the month wore on, Bering Sea Ballet focused on their upcoming recital. “Kimberly Grimmer choreograp­hed the dances and chose the music,” Bickford said. “Brodie and I decided on the costume: a formal ballet audition outfit.”

After Bering Sea Ballet’s two performanc­es, the recital veered to the acro performanc­e, choreograp­hed by Noel Pardee and her mother Marta Pardee and, finally, Noel Pardee’s solo. The audience was delighted to see the level of talent in advanced dancer, Noel Pardee’s solo, “Hide and Seek,” choreograp­hed by Katelyn Ettinger from CTRL Acrobatics.

“Noel started dancing when she was five-years-old,” said her mother, Marta Pardee, “For the last two years, almost all of her dance instructio­n has been on Zoom. She dances all styles of dance including hip hop, jazz, ballet, contempora­ry, modern, acro, and tap. Contempora­ry and acro are her favorites. She will spend a lot of the summer attending dance intensives.”

Noel Pardee intends to take her solo to competitio­n in Anchorage, later in the year.

Besides showcasing her own dancing talent, Noel Pardee also demonstrat­ed her leadership skills, helping to teach and choreograp­h the acro dance routine.

“Noel loved dancing and teaching the Youth Acro class in Nome and sharing her passion for dance with the community,” Marta Pardee said.

All in all, Bickford feels like the inaugural dance recital was a success.

“I felt the performanc­e went well. The children worked hard and took pride in their work. More importantl­y, they had fun performing. We had a good audience turn out. I would hope for even more of the town to turn up next time.”

Bering Sea Ballet’s next session of instructio­n and performanc­e starts in October.

 ?? ?? SOLO PERFORMANC­E— Nome seventh-grade student Noel Pardee performed an acro solo during the Bering Sea Ballet performanc­e on May 11.
SOLO PERFORMANC­E— Nome seventh-grade student Noel Pardee performed an acro solo during the Bering Sea Ballet performanc­e on May 11.
 ?? Photos by Nikolai Ivanoff ?? BERING SEA BALLET— Bering Sea Ballet put on a dance recital at the Nome Elementary on May 11.
Photos by Nikolai Ivanoff BERING SEA BALLET— Bering Sea Ballet put on a dance recital at the Nome Elementary on May 11.

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