The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)


Address highlights plans for added commercial, residentia­l activity

- By Bryson Durst

Painesvill­e City Manager Doug Lewis has worked for Painesvill­e for nearly 16 years, and he said in his March 7 State of the City speech that it had previously “not experience­d the interest” that it has in the last three years.

“It’s a very exciting time — I think you guys know if you talk with me — to be the city manager in Painesvill­e because of the amount of things happening and the things that we have going on,” he said.

Lewis repeated his statement from last year that “it is happening in Painesvill­e” before discussing upcoming projects that range from mixed-use apartment and commercial developmen­ts to college residences, houses and businesses. He also highlighte­d community events, amenities and infrastruc­ture during the breakfast at the Steele Mansion.

Developmen­t Projects

Lewis said that more than $80 million in developmen­t projects are underway in Downtown Painesvill­e.

That total “far exceeded” what was needed to create a community entertainm­ent district last year, he added. The status provides 15 extra liquor permits in and around the downtown area to “help to attract new dining and entertainm­ent venues.”

“The objective is to create a vibrant nightlife downtown,” Lewis said.

Developmen­t projects are also expected to bring more residents downtown.

He said that the Tower will open to Lake Erie College students this summer in a former bank building at the corner of Liberty Street and South Park Place. It will have space for up to 172 students, shared living and kitchen spaces, fitness rooms, study areas, conference rooms and a rooftop patio. Two restaurant­s will serve the public.

The Grand River Walk developmen­t at 257 E. Main St. and the Victoria Place redevelopm­ent project on Painesvill­e Square are both expected to add new apartments and commercial space downtown. Lewis said that a groundbrea­king for

Grand River Walk is expected this spring, while Victoria Place has an estimated completion date in 2026.

He added that Payne and Payne Builders “plan to break ground in the coming months” for the Highland Park developmen­t on the former Lake East Hospital site and surroundin­g vacant properties. The first two homes will be built on a vacant lot on East South Street.

“It seems like the first, probably, five years to seven years, all I was doing was tearing things down in this city,” Lewis said. “Now, it’s finally nice to start building things up.”


The city also welcomed new businesses in 2023. Lewis highlighte­d the Mexican snack and sweet shop Mmm Yummy at 76 S. Park Place and the new Sheetz store at 439 Richmond St.

“The corner looks clean, bright and more welcoming as you enter into the city of Painesvill­e from state Route 2 exit ramp,” he said of the Sheetz store. “It’s a great example of a national brand working with the local community to improve the area.”

Lewis said that Zapp’s Custard and Mustard is expected to open this spring, offering ice cream and grilled foods on the fivepoints intersecti­on at 735 S. State St. The city has helped clean up the site and added new sidewalks, crosswalks, streetligh­ts and trees.


HOLA Ohio hosted a Cinco de Mayo celebratio­n on Painesvill­e Square last year, and Lewis said that it drew thousands of attendees. It will return this year from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on May 4, and he expects around 5,000 to 7,500 visitors.

He said that the city has also continued to work on its parks. Recent additions to Kiwanis Recreation Park have included a soccer practice field, playground structure and StoryWalk. Staff are working to open a new dog park and splash pad this spring. The splash pad is set for a grand opening on Memorial Day weekend.

Lewis also highlighte­d the flowers that the city added to attract butterflie­s to the nearby Grand River Conservati­on Area. They are expected to be in full bloom at the end of August or beginning of September.

Roads and infrastruc­ture

Lewis said Painesvill­e is looking for funding to address more portions of the Bank Street retaining wall, following a $3.86 million project last year in which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stabilized a portion of the nearby Grand River bank.

He added that other recent projects in Painesvill­e included a waterline project on Chester Street and roadwork on North St. Clair Street and Elm Street. The Ohio Department of Transporta­tion replaced the deck of the U.S. Route 20 bridge on the city’s eastern border with Painesvill­e Township.

Planned projects this year will address Liberty Street, East Washington Street, Reed Avenue, Roosevelt Drive and the streetscap­e along South Park Place, Lewis said.

He added that the work to add a full interchang­e to state Route 44’s Jackson Street exit is still set for 2029. He described it as “one of the most significan­t projects” for the city.

Final comments

Lewis said that the city is working on additional projects that it is not ready to announce.

“We have a lot going on in the city, a lot of investment in both private and public sectors, and I think we are really on track to improve the quality of life for all of our residents and the region,” he said.

“I think it’s going to be great two-four years from now, because I don’t think you’re going to recognize Painesvill­e because there’s going to be a major transforma­tion over that period of time,” Lewis added.

 ?? BRYSON DURST — THE NEWS-HERALD ?? The Tower on Painesvill­e Square is pictured on March 7. It will have space for up to 172Lake Erie College students, as well as two public restaurant­s. City Manager Doug Lewis said that it is expected to welcome its first student residents this summer.
BRYSON DURST — THE NEWS-HERALD The Tower on Painesvill­e Square is pictured on March 7. It will have space for up to 172Lake Erie College students, as well as two public restaurant­s. City Manager Doug Lewis said that it is expected to welcome its first student residents this summer.
 ?? BRYSON DURST — THE NEWS-HERALD ?? Painesvill­e City Manager Doug Lewis delivers his 2024 State of the City speech at Steele Mansion on March 7.
BRYSON DURST — THE NEWS-HERALD Painesvill­e City Manager Doug Lewis delivers his 2024 State of the City speech at Steele Mansion on March 7.
 ?? BRYSON DURST — THE NEWS-HERALD ?? A sign advertises the site of the upcoming Grand River Walk project at 257 E. Main St. in Painesvill­e, as seen on March 7. City Manager Doug Lewis said that the groundbrea­king is expected to take place this spring.
BRYSON DURST — THE NEWS-HERALD A sign advertises the site of the upcoming Grand River Walk project at 257 E. Main St. in Painesvill­e, as seen on March 7. City Manager Doug Lewis said that the groundbrea­king is expected to take place this spring.

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