The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)


Script sign to be installed in front of Coulby Mansion

- By Marah Morrison

“It is very tedious. People can’t believe this was done by high school students, from the design and craftsmans­hip to the finished product. They knocked it out of the park, and it’s absolutely stunning.” — Welding instructor Jared Rogge

In just a few weeks, the Wickliffe script sign that was created by Auburn Career Center Welding and Auto Collision Repair students will be installed in front of Coulby Mansion.

“We spent a lot of time on this and the best way, without cutting trees down and making it so we have to jam it in anywhere, is place it out in front of the mansion,” said Wickliffe Mayor Joe Sakacs.

Once installed, Sakacs believes the sign will allow for great picture opportunit­ies.

“We have a sign there right now crumbling little by little every day,” he said. “There’s power run there and there will be LED lights underneath we will light up the same color that we light up the mansion.”

The sign, modeled after the popular Cleveland script signs located throughout that city, is 18.5 feet long. The letters are four feet high and it is 2,000 pounds of sheet steel.

More than 10 students worked on the 6,000-hour project, which took approximat­ely nine school months to complete. Eight weeks were spent finishing and painting.

Among the students who worked on the project was Nathan Suszynski, of the Chardon School District. Suszynski stated that the project was challengin­g in many ways. When asked how it felt to be a part of this and knowing it will be enjoyed by many, he stated he felt proud.

“The wrapping of each letter was a huge challenge for the students to overcome,” said welding instructor Jared Rogge. “It is very tedious. People can’t believe this was done by high school students, from the design and craftsmans­hip to the finished product. They knocked it out of the park, and it’s absolutely stunning.”

Sakacs said the sign in front of the mansion will look much like the city’s logo.

“It would be the best look, so that’s where we’re going to place it,” he said. “Auburn Career Center has gone above and beyond. This is just another piece in making Wickliffe perfect.”

The Wickliffe Service Department will be completing the installati­on.

 ?? AUBURN CAREER CENTER ?? Auburn Career Center Welding and Auto Collision Repair students recently completed a Wickliffe script sign, modeled after the popular Cleveland script signs located throughout the city.
AUBURN CAREER CENTER Auburn Career Center Welding and Auto Collision Repair students recently completed a Wickliffe script sign, modeled after the popular Cleveland script signs located throughout the city.

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