The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Autoimmune patient has painful menstruati­on

- Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

DEAR DR. ROACH >> My 34-year-old disabled daughter has polyglandu­lar autoimmune syndrome type 2, along with several other autoimmune diseases. Since her ovaries have never worked, she has been on hormone replacemen­t therapy since she was 16 to protect her bones. She has had a menstrual period once every three months when the pills allow it.

Since she experience­s painful menstruati­on, her gynecologi­st recently said that she doesn’t need to have a period and can skip the yellow pills. However, her father, who has never experience­d painful menstruati­on (nor has he ever taken her to a gynecologi­st and discussed the issue), thinks it may hurt her to not have periods. I trust the doctor, but I would like to know what you think. — K.M.

DEAR READER >> Polyglandu­lar autoimmune syndrome type 2 is a condition, as its name suggests, that affects many endocrine organs. It particular­ly affects the adrenal gland, but also the thyroid, usually causing too little thyroid hormone. It also affects the pancreas, causing Type 1 diabetes, and the reproducti­ve glands (particular­ly in women), causing ovarian failure. All of these hormones may be replaced, and hormone replacemen­t is critical to protect her bones and provide other benefits.

Of course, her gynecologi­st is correct; she does not need to take the placebo tablets of whatever color. We certainly used to think that women needed to have menstrual cycles for their health, but that is no longer the case. There are the same risks and same benefits to hormone replacemen­t whether it is taken periodical­ly or continuous­ly.

Most women who realize that they don’t need to have their menses choose to have fewer (such as every three months) or no menstrual periods, and compliance with medication is higher when women take it continuous­ly. Given her painful menstruati­on, I agree with your daughter’s gynecologi­st that she can take the active medication every day. However, I would warn you both that she may experience some bleeding at times. Ten percent to 25% of women on combined hormone treatment will experience some bleeding, usually lighter than a period. This is particular­ly the case during the first six months.

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