The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Spinal cord stroke leaves woman paralyzed

- DEAR DR. ROACH >> Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

My wife’s best friend (age 58) has always been a fitness and nutrition buff, but she suddenly lost the ability to move her right leg. She was admitted to the hospital and, after extensive tests, was diagnosed with a spinal cord stroke.

Basically, aside from urinary and bowel function, she is paralyzed from the waist down. She has been told that treatment with physical therapy is her only option. The reading I have done on my own does not give any positive news. Any informatio­n you can provide on this would be appreciate­d.

Spinal cord strokes are rare — 1% of all strokes, but can be devastatin­g, as is the case


with your wife’s friend. I am very sorry for her.

Spinal cord strokes may come spontaneou­sly, but are frequently a complicati­on of several different surgeries. When spontaneou­s, they are most likely caused by blockages of the arteries due to cholestero­l plaque, her healthy lifestyle notwithsta­nding.

However, there are other less-common causes, including damage to the artery (such as a dissection) or arterial diseases like lupus, Behcet’s or polyarteri­tis nodosa. A blood clot can also cause a stroke. Sometimes a cause is never precisely identified.

Most people who have a spinal cord stroke do get better with physical therapy, but unfortunat­ely, most still have some deficits.

Up to half can regain the ability to walk. The improvemen­t can take a long time, up to three years after the stroke. Treatment depends on the underlying reason for the stroke, if it is known. For example, if the stroke is (or strongly suspected to be) due to blockages in the arteries, medicines to prevent blood clots, like aspirin or clopidogre­l (Plavix), are prescribed along with statin drugs.

Most people who have a spinal cord stroke do get better with physical therapy, but unfortunat­ely, most still have some deficits.

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