The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Mayor names interim auditor

- By Heather Chapin hchapin@morningjou­

Lorain Mayor Jack Bradley has appointed Tim Williams, former president of the Lorain City Schools Board of Education board, to fill the interim auditor’s position which will become vacant when Auditor Karen Shawver leaves the post for another position in a neighborin­g village.

Bradley said in a news release March 18 that he chose Williams after learning that the Democrat Party Central Committee doesn’t intend to select Shawver’s replacemen­t until next month.

“It is my understand­ing that the Central Committee does not intend to select a successor any earlier than April 11, 2024,” the mayor said. “It is therefore my intention to exercise my authority and appoint a successor to the auditor until such time as the Central Committee acts.”

Shawver’s resignatio­n takes effect March 24 and Williams will take over the office March 25.

“Tim is a respected citizen and elector in the city of Lorain,” Bradley said. “Tim satisfies the requiremen­ts under Ohio Rev. Code 733.10 to be appointed to the position of auditor.

“In addition, Tim is a college graduate, has served in city government previously and has been an active member of the community. I believe he is well qualified to serve in the position of auditor.”

Bradley also said the city is fortunate to have Chief Deputy Auditor Anita Harper and other qualified staff in the Auditor’s Office to assist in the transition. “I am confident that this appointmen­t will not cause any disruption in the office of the auditor,” the mayor said. Shawver submitted her resignatio­n letter earlier this month.

“Serving the citizens of Lorain for the last 14 years as your treasurer and now auditor, has been a great honor and privilege,”

Shawver said. “I have gained invaluable knowledge, interacted with amazing individual­s and developed lasting relationsh­ips that I will cherish forever.

“I have always approached this work with the highest level of integrity — working hard to be respectful, honest and transparen­t.”

Shawver was unanimousl­y hired as deputy fiscal officer by Sheffield Village Council at its March 11 meeting.

She is expected to take over as fiscal officer for the village in July as the village’s current fiscal officer intends to resign.

Williams has served as an assistant safety service director for the city of Elyria under former mayor Frank Whitfield where he focused on project management and community partnershi­ps.

He served as youth service program director of the Elyria YWCA from 1998 to 2012.

Williams developed and co-chaired the Civilian Use of Force Review for the city of Lorain.

He and his wife, Deena Williams, are co-pastors of Greater Victory Christian Ministries in downtown Lorain.

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