The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

White seeks Lorain County commission­er’s post

- By Editorial staff news@morningjou­

Carolyn White, a former Lorain and Sheffield Village councilwom­an, has announced her candidacy for Lorain County commission­er, according to a news release.

White recognizes that a leader is needed to uphold Integrity, accountabi­lity and profession­alism, and that’s what she stands for, the release said.

White’s plans are to meet with the leaders of each county department to find out what is needed to ensure its individual growth, developmen­t and opportunit­ies for improvemen­t, the release said.

White has a bachelor’s degree in business administra­tion from Cleveland State University.

Her public service includes: serving two terms as a Lorain city councilwom­an beginning in 1990; precinct committee woman; served 12 years as a councilwom­an in Sheffield Village, including president pro-tempore and acting mayor for 45 days; chair of finance in Sheffield Village ensuring where monies were appropriat­ed and accounting for monies while reporting and balancing the budget.

White has served as a bank branch manager, assistant vice president and licensed investment officer for 21 years, and a licensed insurance representa­tive.

Her community service includes: treasurer of Lorain Democratic Women’s Club; member of Federated Democratic Women of Ohio; member of Lorain County Racial Equity Center; past president of Alcohol & Drug Addiction Services (ADAS) Board of Lorain County; Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program; trustee for Direct Action; secretary for College Heights Homeowners Associatio­n; member of Historical Society Sheffield Village; and Board of Trustees for Church on the North Coast.

 ?? SUBMITTED ?? Carolyn White
SUBMITTED Carolyn White

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