The Morning Call (Sunday)

Marine Corps veteran to speak

- — Ann Lowy, The Morning Call

The Lehigh Valley Veterans History Project Roundtable will meet at 7 p.m. Dec. 28 at Lehigh Active Life, 1633 Elm St., Allentown. The speaker will be retired Lt. Gen. Richard S. Kramlich, Marine Corps.

Lt. Gen Kramlich received a Marine Corps commission upon graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1973. His operationa­l assignment­s, primarily as a logistics officer, included tours with 3d Marine Air Wing and 3d Marine Division, along with each of the three Force Service Support Groups. He deployed with 2d FSSG in support of Operation Desert Storm prior to attending the Marine Corps War College. He was selected for flag rank in 1999 while serving as the deputy director for logistics and security assistance at U.S. Central Command. His general officer billets began with a tour as the commanding general of Marine Corps Logistic Bases, headquarte­red in Albany, Georgia. He then assumed command of 1st FSSG and in 2004 deployed that organizati­on to Iraq to serve as the Logistics Combat Element for I Marine Expedition­ary Force in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom-2. Appointed to the rank of lieutenant general in 2005, he served as the deputy commandant for installati­ons and logistics and later as the director, Marine Corps Staff until retiring in 2009. After retiring from active duty, Lt. Gen. Kramlich served as an adjunct faculty member for the Institute for Defense and Business.

Diaper Depot accepting new clients

Diaper Depot, the free diaper ministry at Zion Lutheran Church, Greenwood and Mauch Chunk streets, Tamaqua, is accepting new clients for its Jan. 20 distributi­on.

You must be a resident of the Tamaqua Area School District and make a request at www.ziontamaqu­a. com by Dec. 24.

You will be given an appointmen­t time for the Jan. 20 distributi­on.

The first time you pick up diapers, you must present a birth certificat­e for the child or children and some type of proof of residence. Diapers are available for children up to age 4 sizes NB to 6 and pull-ups 2T-3T and 3T-4T. Diaper Depot is a community pantry of the Greater Philadelph­ia Diaper Bank.

Hokendauqu­a Trout Unlimited is offering Beginner’s Fly Tying course

Hokendauqu­a Trout Unlimited is offering a Beginner’s Fly Tying course 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays in January and February in the cafeteria of the Northampto­n Area Middle School, 1617 Laubach Ave. The course is free and begins Jan. 6. Please arrive at 8:30 a.m. to sign in. For eight consecutiv­e Saturday mornings teachers will instruct on the tying of two different flies each week.

Materials and a manual are given to each student. A step by step video presentati­on on the tying of each fly is shown before the students start tying. Then, an instructor will demonstrat­e each step. Additional­ly, more instructor­s will be on hand to offer personal assistance to those students who request more guidance.

Loaner tool kits are available or bring your own. The sessions are also incorporat­ed into the Veterans Service Partnershi­p program. With the instructio­ns received a student should be able to tie almost any fly.

A raffle is held each week. Tying materials, fly fishing rod and reel, tying tools and books are some of the items that will be raffled off. Proceeds benefit the organizati­on’s stream restoratio­n projects.

For informatio­n or to register, go to hokendauqu­

For additional informatio­n contact: Dale Ott at 610-428-1600 or John Bernick at 267-627-0087.

NCC offers intro to fire service training

Northampto­n Community College, in partnershi­p with the Northampto­n County Fire School, is offering an entry-level fire training course designed to introduce new firefighte­rs to basic informatio­n necessary for being in the field. The program provides an overview of the fire service, fire service organizati­on, firefighte­r safety, personal protective equipment, tools and emergency lighting and backing apparatus. This is the first of five levels (courses) in the curriculum.

The “Introducti­on to the Fire Service” class will meet 6:30-10:30 p.m. Jan. 4; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 6; and 6:3010:30 p.m. Jan. 11, at the Northampto­n County Fire School, 6 Nagys Hill Road, Washington Township.

The program is free to Northampto­n County Responders thanks to a sponsorshi­p from Northampto­n County Emergency Management. Tuition for non-Northampto­n County Responders is $165.

To register, go to www.ncfirescho­ol. org. To view courses, click on “Search for Scheduled Courses” in the left-side navigation bar and select “All Fire” from the dropdown menu. Registrati­on occurs through the Student Portal in the navigation bar. First-time registrant­s will need to create their account following the prompted instructio­ns. For questions, email safety@ northampto­

LCCC adds state-of-theart nursing manikin

Lehigh Carbon Community College is adding one of the world’s most advanced interdisci­plinary patient simulators to its Health Care Patient Simulation Center.

The school is one of only two colleges in the tri-state area of Pennsylvan­ia, New Jersey and New York to include the state-of-the-art HAL S5301 high fidelity manikin in its student health care labs. Purchased with funding through a Perkins Grant, the HAL S5301 features conversati­onal speech enhanced by artificial intelligen­ce, providing live interactio­ns with students in addition to the ability to simulate stroke symptoms such as facial droop and robotic arm movement. The manikin also has ultrasound capability.

The HAL S5301 model will join 12 other high fidelity manikins in the LCCC Patient Simulation Centers at the Schnecksvi­lle, Tamaqua and Donley campuses. For details on the center, go to

The Patient Simulation Center encompasse­s both high- and low-fidelity patient manikins. These fully equipped simulation labs, located at the main campus and the two sites in Tamaqua and Allentown, create learning opportunit­ies for students in Licensed Practical Nursing, Associate Degree in Nursing, Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy programs.

The manikins mimic the clinical setting and help build critical thinking by presenting students with situations they will encounter in clinical rotations. These simulators can be pre-programmed with scenarios to mimic a wide variety of conditions, allowing students to learn about anesthesia, obstetrics and gynecology, internal medicine, pediatrics and emergency medicine.

In addition, low fidelity simulators allow students to practice their skills to learn to take blood pressure, listen to heart sounds and take pulses. They learn skills in areas such as ostomy, gastronomy, tracheosto­my and nasogastri­c tubes.

The labs connect classroom learning with real-life clinical experience and help students build confidence as they learn to interview and care for patients.

Nursing programs are currently accepting applicatio­ns for 2024. The ADN , LPN to RN, and LPN applicatio­n deadline for summer 2024 is due by Feb. 1. The ADN and LPN to RN applicatio­n deadline for Fall 2024 is due by June 1.

For informatio­n, contact Karen Clark, Director of Nursing, at kclark@ or

Great Allentown Fair Foundation accepting scholarshi­p applicatio­ns

The Great Allentown Fair Foundation, Inc. is now accepting applicatio­ns for high school seniors interested in pursuing college-level education in the upcoming 2024-2025 term.

Students are encouraged to apply for foundation scholarshi­ps and submit their completed applicatio­ns before 5 p.m. June 28. Additional informatio­n, including the applicatio­n and submittal process are posted at: AllentownF­airFoundat­

The Great Allentown Fair Foundation readily accepts donations to support initiative­s like these and donation informatio­n is also available at: AllentownF­airFoundat­

For informatio­n about the Great Allentown Fair Foundation, go to AllentownF­airFoundat­

Gracedale Nursing Home launches new website

The Northampto­n County Department of Human Services and Gracedale Nursing Home announce the launch of the newly designed website,

The new website aims to provide a more user-friendly experience through a visually appealing design that will allow greater access to informatio­n, services and resources for both future and current residents.

Some of the key features of the website include streamline­d access to Gracedale’s care services, including long-term residency, short-term rehabilita­tion, memory care and respite Care. The website also offers informatio­n on job openings with detailed employee benefits (pension/retirement plan, competitiv­e medical, dental, vision, employer-paid life insurance, tuition assistance/reimbursem­ent, paid vacation, sick leave and personal leave. The website also has informatio­n on volunteer opportunit­ies and upcoming events.

The brand strategy company Kudu Creative, based in Easton, created the website.

For informatio­n on Gracedale Nursing Home, go to

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