The Mercury News

How to recognize when it’s time to replace your windows


Windows are a major component of a home. Window installati­on profession­als will tell homeowners that the average lifespan of residentia­l windows is between 15 and 30 years. Most well-maintained products can last 20 years, so homeowners who have windows approachin­g that age may want to schedule a window assessment and possible replacemen­t.

Replacing windows is a job that requires advanced skill, so this is not a do-it-yourself project. There are many qualified profession­al window installati­on companies that will work with homeowners to measure, order and install windows that will fit with the style of a home and local weather, all while providing features the homeowner desires.

For those wondering when to replace windows, Pella and Renewal by Andersen, two of the premiere window manufactur­ers, offer these guidelines.

Difficult to open or close

A window that does not operate as it should can aggravate homeowners. If windows are sticking shut or cannot be securely closed, it’s probably time for something new.

When damage occurs

Accidents happen, and if a rock is kicked up from a lawnmower and cracks a window or if spring baseball practice has gone awry with an errant throw, windows may require replacemen­t.

Drafts in the window

If heating and cooling systems are working overtime, drafty, poorly insulated windows could be to blame. Various agencies can perform energy-efficiency tests in a home. Windows that are determined to be the weak spots should be replaced.

Dated windows

Older windows may pose safety hazards, especially those in older homes. A larger window may be needed to comply with fire safety codes allowing for window egress. Dated windows also may simply look old and compromise the aesthetics of a home.

Outdoor noises

Newer windows can help reduce noise transmissi­on. So those leaf blowers, airplanes, barking dogs and kids playing basketball up the street won’t disturb homeowners as they try to enjoy some peace and quiet indoors.

Visible fading indoors

Windows that do not feature low-emissivity (Low-E) glass coatings will not block UV rays. Those rays can cause fading to wood floors and furniture or pretty much anything the sunlight touches. Replacing existing windows with Low-E coating alternativ­es can safeguard belongings and improve window efficiency.

Window replacemen­t may be necessary when existing windows are showing signs of aging or damage.

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