The Maui News

Two Maui educators named Hawaii Catholic Schools award winners


KAHULUI—Hawaii Catholic Schools and Chaminade University with the support of John C. and Mary Lou Brogan presented The 2024 Golden Pine“apple” Awards for both Administra­tor and Teacher of the Year.

The Recognitio­n Ceremony took place on May 23 at the Natsunoya Tea House in Honolulu. Both awards recognize excellence in outstandin­g teachers, specialist­s and administra­tors within the Catholic Schools in the State of Hawaii. Each recipient received a trophy and a check for $1,000.

Tonata Lolesio of Sacred Hearts School Maui received the 2024 Hawaii Catholic Schools Administra­tor of the Year Award. Her dedication to teaching the whole student has profoundly impacted both Sacred Hearts School and the broader Lahaina community. One example of her commitment occurred in the aftermath of the devastatin­g Lahaina fire, where she establishe­d a pop-up school at Sacred Hearts Mission Church, providing continuity of education and emotional support for her students and welcoming displaced children from the wider community. She embodies the true spirit of Catholic education and service to others.

Kathleen Delima of St. Anthony’s School Maui received the 2024 Hawaii Catholic Schools 2024 Hawaii Catholic Schools Teacher of the Year Award. With more than 40 years of dedicated service, characteri­zed by kindness, patience, and a deep commitment to her students, Dilemma’s impact on generation­s of students is profound, as she has created a warm and welcoming environmen­t where every child feels valued and celebrated. Her leadership extends beyond the classroom, as she mentors other teachers, leads school and community involvemen­t, and consistent­ly fosters a sense of comfort for her students.

A panel comprised of Chaminade and Hawaii Catholic Schools representa­tives reviewed nomination­s based on the following criteria:

1. How the nominee has made a difference in the life of a student(s).

2. The nominee’s accomplish­ments as they relate to leadership.

3. The nominee’s accomplish­ments as they relate to service to the school and community.

4.The nominee’s accomplish­ments as they relate to spiritual developmen­t.

 ?? Courtesy photo ?? Dr. Llewellyn Young, Superinten­dent for Hawaii Catholic Schools (from left); Tonata Lolesio; Dr. Dale Fryxell, Dean of the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
Courtesy photo Dr. Llewellyn Young, Superinten­dent for Hawaii Catholic Schools (from left); Tonata Lolesio; Dr. Dale Fryxell, Dean of the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences.

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