The Maui News - Weekender




Years ago, I realized that cleaning my bathroom’s ceramic wall tiles and bathtub is quick and efficient using a squeeze mop, rather than wiping them down by hand. I keep a mop in the closet next to the bathroom solely for this task. Fill the tub with a little water and rinse as you go. —Linda England, via email POSTCARDS FROM THE WORLD DEAR HELOISE: My mother is in a nursing home. She doesn’t always remember people or their names, but she loves getting mail of any kind. Since I live a few states away and have to travel frequently for my job, I send her postcards and sometimes a short letter. The doctor says it helps her remember me, and it makes her day. I was told by one of the nurses that most of the residents rarely have visitors. They’re lucky to get a Christmas or birthday card.

Sadly, too many families see a nursing home as a place to warehouse their elderly relatives. This type of isolation seems to play a huge part in their feelings of loneliness as well as their mental decline. It only takes a couple of minutes to send a postcard or pick up a box of chocolates and take it to them. A little kindness goes a long way. Not only will you make the recipient feel good, you’ll feel good about yourself, too. —K.T., in Philadelph­ia STUCK-ON PRICE TAGS DEAR HELOISE: I know you’re a proponent of vinegar’s many uses. I discovered another yesterday: Spray vinegar onto price tags that are stuck on glass or ceramics. Let it sit for a while, then scrape it off. My fingernail­s are thrilled! No more scrape, scrape, scraping! Cheers.


DEAR HELOISE: Some kids like toasted cheese sandwiches, but they usually need an adult to make them. Well, not anymore!

All they have to do is toast a couple slices of bread and put lots of grated cheese (or a couple slices of cheese) between the two toasted pieces of bread. They can place the sandwich on a napkin or paper towel and microwave it for 12-20 seconds. Then just remove it from the microwave and eat!


DEAR HELOISE: When my household rubber gloves get holes in them, I cut them into rubber bands. I start at the cuff and cut across as wide or as narrow as needed, up to the thumb area. These rubber bands last much longer than regular rubber bands.

—R., in Minnesota RUBBING ALCOHOL


DEAR HELOISE: I was getting hairspray residue on my white tile bathroom floor. But I placed paper towels soaked in rubbing alcohol over the area and let it sit there for a few minutes before scrubbing. To my surprise, the hairspray residue came up with it. No scrubbing!

—E.P., in Louisiana


DEAR HELOISE: Six-yearold Gracie, who was recently adopted from Georgia, is ready to brave the New England elements … although, perhaps not happily.—Nancy Mulvihill (and

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