The Indianapolis Star

Indy gets federal money to put EV charging stations in underserve­d neighborho­ods

- Brittany Carloni

Indianapol­is is expected to receive $15 million from a federal grant program to put more electric vehicle charging stations in city neighborho­ods.

The grant, which U.S. Rep. André Carson and Mayor Joe Hogsett announced Wednesday, will aim to place charging stations in underserve­d parts of the city. The federal dollars come from a grant program created by President Joe Biden’s bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill in 2021.

The $15 million heading to Indianapol­is will come from the Federal Highway Administra­tion and is expected to specifical­ly target placing electric vehicle charging stations in areas critics say were missed by the Indiana Department of Transporta­tion’s Electric Vehicle Infrastruc­ture Plan, according to a news release from Carson and Hogsett’s offices.

Indiana’s plan was approved in 2022, but racial justice groups at the time criticized it for not providing charging station access for communitie­s of color, especially Black neighborho­ods. In 2022, Carson, who represents most of Marion County in Congress, wrote to U.S. Transporta­tion Secretary Pete Buttigieg with concerns that Indiana’s plan failed to “provide connection­s to disconnect­ed communitie­s.”

Charging station placements will be made locally, and Indianapol­is residents will have opportunit­ies to give feedback on the locations, according to the news release.

In a statement, Hogsett said Indianapol­is looks forward to bringing electric vehicle technology to city neighborho­ods “most impacted by environmen­tal injustice.”

Contact IndyStar state government and politics reporter Brittany Carloni at or 317-779-4468. Follow her on Twitter/X @CarloniBri­ttany .

 ?? SARAH BOWMAN/INDYSTAR ?? Public electric vehicle charging ports are pictured June 23, 2022, on the south side of Indianapol­is.
SARAH BOWMAN/INDYSTAR Public electric vehicle charging ports are pictured June 23, 2022, on the south side of Indianapol­is.

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