The Indianapolis Star

Root of discourage­ment is unbelief in God’s plan

- Billy Graham Columnist This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.

Q: Discourage­ment is hounding me. No matter where I turn, dark clouds seem to hang over me, making my pathway dark and dreary. I go to church but return home lonely and downhearte­d. I feel threatened in my work and it is affecting my health, though I’m still young. Is this all life has to offer? – D.U.

A: The root of discourage­ment is unbelief. Perhaps we feel we aren’t making enough money (we’re not convinced that God can and will supply all of our needs); we’re frustrated in our job (we’ve refused to believe that we can be content in whatever state we’re in); we’re worried about health problems (is not God the great physician?). Perhaps it is a lack of spending time in God’s Word and in prayer and fellowship with Him!

Discourage­ment is a large cloud that obscures the warmth and joy of the sun. In the case of spiritual discourage­ment, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus, is eclipsed in our lives.

Discourage­ment blinds our eyes to the blessings of God and makes us perceive only the unfavorabl­e circumstan­ces. Such thoughts are from the enemy.

There is only one way to dispel discourage­ment, and it is not in our own strength or ingenuity. The Bible says, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord” (Psalm 27:14, NKJV).

Discourage­ment often flees when a person spends quality time in prayer and in the study of God’s Word. It grows our faith and strengthen­s our resolve. Often when we reach out to others, our circumstan­ces don’t seem as bad. “The Lord … goes before you. He will be with you … do not fear nor be dismayed” (Deuteronom­y 31:8).

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