The Indianapolis Star

Indiana outdoor events for your weekend escape

- Karl Schneider

Hoosiers looking for some peace and quiet after Fourth of July fireworks and celebratio­ns have ended can look forward to a weekend in nature with these upcoming events.

Wade through creeks, discover fossils, participat­e in a sand castle contest and learn about foraging for wild edibles around the state.

The National Weather Service in Indianapol­is is calling for some isolated showers and storms on Friday and Sunday with highs near 86, so don’t forget to bring the raincoats and maybe an extra pair of dry socks. Saturday should be mostly sunny with temperatur­es in the lower 80s.

Wade through a creek or hike a nature preserve Friday, July 5

Tiny Water Critters, 10 a.m. at Paynetown SRA (Monroe Lake) in Bloomingto­n: Wade into the shallow water along the shoreline to search for aquatic macroinver­tebrates — little water-loving critters hiding in plain sight such as “baby” dragonflie­s, water pennies, caddisflie­s, and more.

Insect Investigat­ions, 10:30 a.m. at Potato Creek State Park in North Liberty: See small six-legged creatures up close in this easy, 1-mile walk with a naturalist starting from the park’s Nature Center.

Nature Preserve Hike, 1 p.m. at Fort Harrison State Park in Lawrence: Join a park naturalist for a guided 1-mile hike along Lawrence Creek Trail. Learn about the variety of flora and fauna found in the area. Participan­ts will also discuss the importance of Nature Preserves.

Discover the Fossil Beds Hike, 1 p.m. at Falls of the Ohio State Park in Clarksvill­e: Discover the wonders of fossil beds with a park naturalist. Participan­ts will look at Devonian marine fossils and discuss how they lived, what they ate, and how / why they were preserved. This free hike lasts 60 minutes. Meet on deck. We walk down 60 steps to fossil beds and return via ramp. (Or use ramp if participan­ts have problems with steps.)

Creek Crawl, 2 p.m. at Charlestow­n State Park in Charlestow­n: Meet at the Oak Shelter for a 2-mile off trail adventure. Be prepared for waist deep water as we hike up the creek. Recommende­d for ages 8 and up.

Creek Peek, 2 p.m. Central at Lincoln State Park in Lincoln City: Meet at the Nature Center to pick up some tools then follow the naturalist to Little Pigeon Creek to learn about aquatic ecosystems and get the chance to collect critters from the water. Bring rubber boots or old shoes because participan­ts will be wading in the water. This location is in the Central Time Zone.

Look for bluebirds or volunteer to clean a park Saturday, July 6

Cool Creek Bird Hike, 8 a.m. at Cool

Creek Nature Center in Carmel: Join expert birder Keith Starling and Amos Butler Audubon members each Saturday for a hike through Cool Creek. No registrati­on is required. Meet in the north parking lot past the Nature Center.

Lake Lincoln Hike, 8 a.m. Central at Lincoln State Park in Lincoln City:

Meet at the Nature Center for a nice, easy jaunt around the lake. This 2-mile hike promises wildlife and historical sites. This location is in the Central Time Zone.

Park Lovers Cleanup, 10 a.m. at Douglass Park in Indy: Join a group of dedicated volunteers, the Park Lovers, for a morning of cleanup, trash removal and weed wrangling. Prepare to roll up your sleeves and get to work by dressing for the weather — and don’t forget your gloves.

Bluebird Walk, 10 a.m. at Clifty Falls State Park in Madison: Join the naturalist at Clifty Shelter to check our bluebird boxes for nests, eggs and babies on this 45-minute easy walk.

Sand Lake Stroll, 10 a.m. at Chain O’Lakes State Park in Albion: Meet outside the Nature Center and enjoy an easy, 1.3 mile walk on Trail 5. Closedtoed shoes are recommende­d.

Sandcastle Contest, 10 a.m. at Raccoon SRA (Cecil M Harden Lake) in Rockville: Meet at beach house. Teams of up to 6 people will have 2 hours to complete their sand creation. No fee to enter contest.

Moth Mysteries, 10:30 a.m. at Potato Creek State Park in North Liberty:

Meet to the Nature Center to discover more about these fascinatin­g insects. A short explorator­y walk around the Nature Center will show you their diversity.

Crane Field Skills: Tracking and Banding, 11 a.m. at Goose Pond FWA: A representa­tive from the Internatio­nal Crane Foundation will be leading programs for kids and families at Goose Pond this summer. Participan­ts will learn where cranes live, how they use their habitat and how that leads to the research and monitoring questions crane biologists ask. Following the discussion, kids will learn about monitoring techniques, band their own paper crane, try real tracking technology used by biologists to find hidden crane tracking devices, and record their field notes. Please register to attend this free event.

Powerful Pollinator­s, 11 a.m. at Fort Harrison State Park in Lawrence: Who’s helping produce the beautiful flowers in our community? Join the park naturalist in the Visitor’s Center for a program on pollinator­s and how they play an important role in our community.

Cultivatin­g Minds Garden Series Weeds or Wildflower­s, noon at Garfield Park Conservato­ry: Join park staff in the Children’s Garden to learn about various gardening and nature topics you’ve always wanted to know more about. Learn how to grow new plants, make healthier gardens, support local wildlife and make healthy lifestyle choices.

Learn how to forage or meet native snakes Sunday, July 7

Wild Edibles Hike, 8 a.m. Central at Lincoln State Park in Lincoln City:

Join the park naturalist for a short hike and learn about different edible plants that you might find in your own backyard. This location is in the Central Time Zone.

Eagle Creek Bird Hike, 9 a.m. at Eagle Creek Park in Indy: Enjoy bird hikes each Sunday year-round at Eagle Creek Park. Meet at the Ornitholog­y Center. This event is free, though a gate fee to Eagle Creek Park applies.

Fall Creek Guided Hike, 10 a.m. at Fort Harrison State Park in Lawrence:

Join the park’s naturalist for a morning hike along Fall Creek Trail and come back on Camp Creek Trail. The hike will be 2 miles long and last for about 2 hours. Please wear comfortabl­e shoes and bring water. We will meet in the Delaware Lake parking lot.

Fire Tower Chat and Hike, 10 a.m. at Tippecanoe River State Park in Winamac: Ever wonder when or why our Fire Tower was built here at Tippecanoe River?

Come for a short chat about the tower, then an easy hike to the tower, where you can climb to the tallest outlook in the area. Meet at the Bulletin Board at the Fire Tower Parking Lot.

Guided Hike, 10 a.m. at Patoka Lake in Birdseye: Join the park’s naturalist for a hike along Trail 4 to learn plant identifica­tion and some area history. The hike will start at the Nature Center and roughly take an hour and a half.

Lovely Lichen, 10 a.m. at McCormick’s Creek State Park in Spencer: On this hike, learn about the symbiotic relationsh­ips lichen has with the trees they grow on. Lichen powers the food web in rocky environmen­ts like those found on Trail 2. The hike will be in a tornado-impact area to learn about lichen. Meet Naturalist Jessie at trailside shelter begin this 1-mile hike.

Parkemon GO!, 10 a.m. Central at Lincoln State Park: This program combines Pokémon Go with Indiana Department of Natural Resources’ version called Parkemon. Catch park wildlife with cameras and score them with power points. This game can be played anytime, not just in the park.

Waterfall Hike, 10 a.m. at Clifty Falls State Park in Madison: Meet at Clifty Shelter for a 1-hour, moderately rugged hike through one of the most scenic sections of Clifty Canyon. There’s a chance to see 5 waterfalls along the way.

Snake Meet and Greet, 11 a.m. at Brown County State Park in Nashville: Visit the Nature Center for an up close and personal look at one of Indiana’s native snakes. Learn about their unique traits, the threats they face and how snakes affect your life. Participan­ts may pet the snake at the end of the program.

Go birding and learn about native wildlife later in July

Wednesday, July 10 - Cool Creek Beginning Bird Hike, 8:30 a.m. at Cool Creek Park in Carmel: Join a Hamilton County Parks naturalist and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings. This will be a great opportunit­y for birdwatche­rs of all levels. You may begin anytime during the season and come as often as you like. Pre-registrati­on is not required. Don’t forget your binoculars. These hikes meet in the north parking lot of Cool Creek Park past the Nature Center.

Wednesday, July 10 - Feeding Time, 3 p.m. at Eagle Creek Park in Indy:

What’s on the menu for the animals living at the park’s Earth Discovery Center? This is your opportunit­y to find out. Throughout feeding time, nature center staff will be feeding the turtles, fish, snake, toads, frogs and salamander­s that live on the upper level of the nature center.

Karl Schneider is an IndyStar environmen­t reporter. You can reach him at Follow him on Twitter @karlstarts­withk

IndyStar’s environmen­tal reporting project is made possible through the generous support of the nonprofit Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust.

 ?? MICHELLE PEMBERTON/INDYSTAR ?? Get outside and enjoy some peace and quiet this weekend with these outdoor events across Indiana.
MICHELLE PEMBERTON/INDYSTAR Get outside and enjoy some peace and quiet this weekend with these outdoor events across Indiana.

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