The Indianapolis Star

Soaring national debt means cities need to prepare for cuts Prioritize spending on things people want

- Michael Hicks Guest columnist

The U.S. national debt is near its politicall­y unsustaina­ble level. That means substantiv­e changes to both taxes and spending in the foreseeabl­e future, which also means less federal funding for state and local government­s.

County government­s, municipal government­s, schools, libraries and other local government­s need to start planning for a future with far less federal money.

At the start of the Great Recession, our national debt hovered at roughly 60% of gross domestic product. Today, it is a tad bit over 120%. Right now, the federal government is spending about 23.4% of GDP, while collecting taxes of about 17.4% of GDP.

The last time we balanced our national budget, both taxes and spending ran between 19% and 20% of GDP. That seems like a reasonable political compromise: raising taxes substantia­lly and cutting spending substantia­lly. By substantia­lly, I mean reversing all the tax cuts and spending growth of the past 25 years.

There’s no easy way to do this. For example, our entire military budget is at a post-World War II low of 2.7% of GDP. We could eliminate all the armed forces and sell all our equipment, and it would not cut the annual deficit by half.

We could eliminate the Veterans Administra­tion, the department­s of education, energy, state and agricultur­e, and still not balance the budget. We could cut all our foreign aid, all our research and developmen­t spending, and yet the savings wouldn’t round up to one-thousandth of the debt.

To balance the budget, we will need to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Those cuts won’t come just in the future. They will need to come to current recipients.

To balance the budget, we also will need to raise taxes on everyone. Those tax increases cannot be limited just the rich or super rich; everyone will see an increase in taxes.

I know this is an unpleasant realizatio­n that is probably causing many readers to come slightly unglued. Sorry, the arithmetic is unavoidabl­e. There are no easy answers. There’s no tax cut that will generate rapid economic growth, nor is there some magical spending mix that will cause a big spike in productivi­ty. I wish there were, but there is not. This debt will be lowered the old-fashioned way.

Local government­s need to act now

Among the unavoidabl­e casualties of budget cuts will be significan­tly fewer intergover­nmental transfers, from a wide range of programs. Many local government­s have come to anticipate federal spending. Higher-poverty areas in particular receive a disproport­ionate share of federal spending on roads, housing, economic developmen­t, education, healthcare and social services.

Prospering communitie­s are mostly a consequenc­e of local action, not state or federal largesse. Even in places where state or federal developmen­t efforts are effective, as in Indiana’s Regional Cities Initiative, the effects are modest when compared to the benefits of local action.

Sometime over the next decade or so, we are almost certain to enter a period in which state and local government­s can expect much lower federal spending. It would be wise to begin preparing residents. If you want additional or improved infrastruc­ture, better schools and other quality of life improvemen­ts, now is the time to begin planning those investment­s.

I recommend a three-part approach.

First, there must be a frank review of local economic conditions. There are over 200 Midwestern counties in the midst of long-term economic and population decline. It takes courage to confront unpleasant facts head on. Without doing so, no place will be lucky enough to reverse economic course.

A second step is to take stock of the policies that you’ve been using for the past several decades. I am amazed at the number of places who complain of inadequate school or municipal funding, while spending millions of dollars a year on traditiona­l economic developmen­t.

Add up all the assessed value locked into tax-increment financing (TIF) or in property tax abatements and assess that value at the current tax rate. Add up the cost of your economic developmen­t office, and any direct spending program, like a revolving loan fund.

The results will shock and dismay. There is no community in the Midwest where traditiona­l business attraction policies have yielded prosperity.

For the 200 or so Midwestern counties in decline, the level of lost spending on attracting new businesses will be terribly vexing. These are exactly the same places in need of vast infrastruc­ture improvemen­t, ranging from bridge replacemen­t and new schools to water and sewer facilities. This process should make clear that there’s plenty of resources to support local improvemen­ts. They are simply being misspent.

Finally, local government­s should think hard about what residents want out of their communitie­s. Don’t ask what types of economic developmen­t they want. Ask what they want their community to be for their families.

In most cases, you’ll hear about a lot of little things: parks, eateries and recreation­al activities. Some will want their school to be better — particular­ly if they’ve seen clear data on student outcomes. I suspect most people will want a city or county that could keep their children around after they graduate.

These steps will allow local elected leaders and constituen­ts to better understand the challenges of tighter federal budgets and fewer federal resources to higher-poverty areas. They may set a community on a healthier path, focused more on the building blocks of prosperity and less on economic developmen­t policies crafted for the middle of the last century.

Michael J. Hicks is the director of the Center for Business and Economic Research and the George and Frances Ball distinguis­hed professor of economics in the Miller College of Business at Ball State University.

 ?? JEMAL COUNTESS/GETTY IMAGES FOR THE PETER G. PETERSON FOUNDATION ?? An electronic billboard displays the U.S. national debt per person and as a nation at $32 trillion July 6 in Washington, D.C.
JEMAL COUNTESS/GETTY IMAGES FOR THE PETER G. PETERSON FOUNDATION An electronic billboard displays the U.S. national debt per person and as a nation at $32 trillion July 6 in Washington, D.C.
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