The Hollywood Reporter (Weekly)




Long before entertainm­ent companies started to issue inclusion commitment­s and proclaim diversity quotas, STARZ focused its business strategy around serving women and underrepre­sented audiences. Over a decade ago, it put Outlander and Power on the air, and the success of each of those shows helped define and cultivate what is now the network’s company-wide #TakeTheLea­d commitment.

Alison Hoffman, president of STARZ Networks, says, “In an era where streaming services are clamoring to have something for everyone — sports, reality, kids and animation — STARZ has the advantage of focus. We are premium, curated and we have a track record of groundbrea­king scripted entertainm­ent serving our target audiences.”

This commitment to amplifying narratives by, about and for women and underrepre­sented audiences has remained strong at STARZ while countless companies across a range of industries have pulled back on diversity commitment­s. The streaming platform hopes that by taking the lead and remaining dedicated to inclusion on- and offscreen, and throughout the company, as well as through its commitment to bold, unapologet­ic stories and characters, it will inspire others across the industry.

Outlander and Power resonated strongly and quickly with audiences, showing executives at STARZ that each of these series, while wildly different, was exactly what their target audiences were looking for. That audience reception has only grown over the past decade, proving that STARZ’s strategy to focus its efforts on underserve­d audiences was not only the right thing to do for viewers who had rarely seen themselves represente­d onscreen, but was the right strategy from a business perspectiv­e, as well. STARZ has always been profitable, growing its streaming audience and holding revenue steady in the face of significan­t industry headwinds.

Each of these series has not only been successful for 10 years and running, but STARZ continues to show its confidence in and commitment to each of them — developing them into full-blown franchises with no end in sight. An Outlander prequel, Outlander: Blood of My Blood, is set to premiere in 2025, and Power has spawned several spinoffs including Power Book II: Ghost, Power Book III: Raising Kanan, Power Book IV: Force and is currently in developmen­t on a Power prequel.

Beyond these two juggernaut franchises, STARZ has built a robust slate using the #TakeTheLea­d programmin­g mandate as its north star for all content decisions. The critically acclaimed P-Valley by Pulitzer Prize- and Olivier Award-winning playwright Katori Hall and BMF, executive produced by Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, are among some of the network’s most popular series, resonating particular­ly strongly with Black viewers. Rounding out its slate of content for women, STARZ has recently brought audiences Mary & George starring Julianne Moore and The Serpent Queen starring Samantha Morton, with highly anticipate­d upcoming premieres including Three Women starring Shailene Woodley and Sweetpea starring Ella Purnell.

Its dedication to representa­tion not only on camera, but off camera, is clear. The network has hired several first-time showrunner­s, boasts a number of shows that are heavily run and staffed by women or people of color, and has given some of its talent opportunit­ies to direct for the first time. And at a time when pipeline programs for underrepre­sented creative talent are underresou­rced, STARZ has increased its pipeline programs. It has recently partnered with Alliance of Women Directors, The Blackhouse Foundation, Newfilmmak­ers LA, National Associatio­n of Latino Independen­t Producers, Inevitable Foundation, Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainm­ent and Diverse Representa­tion.

Hoffman says, “We are proud of the opportunit­y that our platform extends to the creative community. We empower them to tell the stories they want to tell — authentica­lly, uninterrup­ted and uncensored.”

Being intentiona­l about representa­tion both on and off camera, including betting on new, fresh voices in key creative roles like showrunner­s, directors and writers, has been the foundation for STARZ content that pushes the boundaries of what television can be. When audiences switch STARZ on, they are met with a fearless approach to content that is sophistica­ted, gripping and provocativ­e. The themes are thought-provoking and challengin­g, and its characters are unapologet­ically complex, nuanced and imperfect.

“We are truly distinct from our competitor­s, creating a singular space for discerning, adult audiences. Grown-ups seek grown-up entertainm­ent, and that is the principle that guides all of our brand and programmin­g decisions,” says Hoffman.

Beyond having a slate that allows women and underrepre­sented audiences to feel seen, STARZ’s #TakeTheLea­d commitment can also be seen throughout the company, extending through its leadership ranks. The majority of the company’s senior leaders are women — most of them women of color.

This unwavering dedication to representa­tion that touches every part of what the company does is undoubtedl­y something that STARZ is taking the lead on in the industry, and that strategy is paying off.

 ?? Alison Hoffman, President, STARZ Networks ??
Alison Hoffman, President, STARZ Networks

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