The Guardian (USA)

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: a video game that will whip film fans into a frenzy

- Tom Regan

It’s the spring of 1977, and George Lucas is petrified. Having just wrapped work on his third feature film, Star Wars, he retreats to Hawaii, unable to face the early reviews. Yet as he frets in a five-star resort, Lucas bumps into another Hollywood hideaway – Steven Spielberg. Making sandcastle­s together under the Maui sun, Lucas pitches Spielberg a story that riffs on the simpler era of 1950s’ serials, an actionpack­ed spectacula­r about a James Bond-esque archaeolog­ist. This cryptrobbi­ng Casanova’s name? Indiana … Smith.

The hero’s moniker certainly benefited from some finessing, and the action-packed Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) raked in $354m at the box office. Yet as great as Indy’s influence was on cinema, it might have had an even bigger one on video games. It inspired Lara Croft’s tomb-raiding antics and Uncharted’s wise-cracking Nathan

Drake. There have also been games starring Indy himself, most notably LucasArts’ brilliant graphic adventures from the early-90s, but it’s been decades since the last interactiv­e Indiana Jones adventure that wasn’t made of Lego. This December, he’ll finally get another crack of the gaming whip with Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, from the studio behind Wolfenstei­n II: The New Colossus – in a game that actually looks like the films.

Set a year after the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark, we find our hatloving hero licking his wounds after a breakup with fiancee, Marion Ravenwood. When an artefact is stolen from the college Jones teaches at, Indy soon discovers that a great circle connects this missing artefact and the world’s most spirituall­y significan­t sites. Jones sets off to discover what links the locations before rival archaeolog­ist Emmerich Voss can plunder them for the Third Reich. A standard break-up story, really.

“Working on this game … It’s been a childhood dream,” beams the Great Circle’s design director, Jens Andersson. “It’s just one of those [properties] that you think you will never get the opportunit­y to work on.”

It’s a typically globe-trotting story, with Indy starting out in 1937 Connecticu­t before sneaking through the Vatican, exploring Shanghai, climbing the Himalayas and skulking across Thailand’s Sukhothai temples.

“Making sure that this feels like Indiana Jones has really been the biggest thing with this project,” says creative director Axel Torvenius. “Raiders to us is the most iconic representa­tion of Indiana Jones, the first that the world came to love. So, it felt very natural to keep that as our main reference.”

Working closely with Lucasfilm, Axel and the team at MachineGam­es had access to a trove of previously unseen material. “We’ve been in weekly meetings with Lucasfilm,” says Torvenius. “From audio [to] design, narrative, art … they’ve been an invaluable resource. They are the experts on Indiana Jones and everything that goes with it. We even gained access to their archive … really old and rare material, early concept art from Raiders, rare photos from sets.”

 ?? ?? ‘We want to create the feeling of beingIndia­na Jones’ … Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Photograph: Bethesda
‘We want to create the feeling of beingIndia­na Jones’ … Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Photograph: Bethesda
 ?? ?? Treasure trove … Emmerich Voss, left, in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Photograph: Bethesda
Treasure trove … Emmerich Voss, left, in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. Photograph: Bethesda

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