The Florida Times-Union

Nomination­s open for 2024 Jacksonvil­le Top Workplaces

- Staff The Florida Times-Union

If you have a great workplace, here is your chance to brag about it, earning recognitio­n as a Top Workplace in the Jacksonvil­le metro area.

For the third year, The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonvil­ will honor quality workplace culture in the region. Any organizati­on with 35 or more employees in the metro Jacksonvil­le area is eligible to earn Top Workplaces recognitio­n.

The nomination deadline is Aug. 16. Anyone can nominate any organizati­on, whether it is public, private, non-profit, a school, or even a government agency.

To nominate an employer or for more informatio­n on the awards, just go to jacksonvil­ or call (904) 3099918.

There is no cost to participat­e. To qualify as a Jacksonvil­le Top Workplace, employees evaluate their workplace using a short 24-question survey that takes about 5 minutes to complete. Companies will be surveyed through October.

Energage, the Pennsylvan­ia-based research partner for the project, conducts Top Workplaces surveys for media in 65 markets nationwide and surveyed more than 2 million employees at more than 8,000 organizati­ons in the past year.

“Top Workplaces awards are a celebratio­n of good news,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “They exemplify the significan­ce of a people-first workplace experience, reminding us that employees are the heart of any thriving organizati­on.”

For 2024, more than 1,300 organizati­ons were invited to survey their employees. Based on employee survey feedback, 29 earned recognitio­n as Jacksonvil­le Top Workplaces.

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