The Florida Times-Union

Jacksonvil­le lineman shocked atop pole, resuscitat­ed

- Jacksonvil­le Journal

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared in the Jacksonvil­le Journal on July 17, 1967.

A lineman for the Jacksonvil­le Electric Department was seriously injured this morning after coming into contact with a hot line and a fellow worker suffered back injuries while trying to go to the aid of his companion.

R.G. Champion, hanging unconsciou­s at left, apparently came in contact with a 4,160-volt line while working with a crew in the 1600 block of West 26th Street. He was taken by ambulance to Baptist Memorial Hospital and his condition could not be determined at noon today. Witnesses said he suffered burns to both his hands and feet.

Joe Beasley, another lineman, was working on another pole in the same block and when he saw his companion’s plight, he tried to rush to his aid, but slipped and fell to the ground.

Jimmy Thompson, another city worker on the crew, managed to climb the pole where Champion was hanging by his safety belt. He and other electrical workers lowered Champion to the ground, where Thompson gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitat­ion.

“After I blew into his mouth about four times, he started gasping and seemed to come back,” Thompson said.

Beasely was also taken to Baptist Memorial Hospital for treatment of what is believed to be back injuries.

L.L. Richardson, foreman of the crew, said he had more than a dozen men making changes in the electrical line in the 26th Street vicinity.

“Champion must have come into contact with the live wire while he was making a transfer,” Richardson said.

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