The Florida Times-Union

DeSantis selfishly guts Florida arts and culture funds

- Nate Monroe

John Delaney, a former Republican mayor of Jacksonvil­le who later became president of the University of North Florida and Flagler College, has what’s become a kind of ready-made line when he needs to defend much-maligned liberal arts programs in higher education — the types of things Tallahasse­e legislator­s like to target with budget cuts.

“We want to be Athens, not Sparta,” he’d say. “We need artists, actors, teachers, poets, writers.”

Some of the larger line items Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed last week out of the $116 billion budget were about $32 million for arts, culture and museum grants and related projects, a stunning blow to hundreds of organizati­ons across the sprawling state: children’s choruses, opera houses, symphonies, theatres, zoological societies, cultural councils. This was a cruel, crude and first-of-itskind across-the-board gutting the governor didn’t even try to justify. We can only guess at DeSantis’ strange hostility toward arts and culture funding, but it’s difficult to avoid concluding from this blackout that DeSantis must view Florida’s cultural institutio­ns as a threat to the peculiar political culture he is trying to cultivate instead — a reactionar­y and spartan one.

The governor bragged about his nearly $1 billion in vetoes, which he said helped keep the budget for the next fiscal year below this year’s spending. That eye-rolling technicali­ty — cheap, talking-point gimmickry — came with an enormous cost in a state chock-full of needs. It’s also bad fiscal management and self-sabotage: arts and culture spending has a meaningful return on investment. “The state has an overall nine-to-one return on investment from these grants that generate hundreds of millions in tax revenue and fuel our local economy,” Carlos Guillermo Smith, who just won a Central Florida state Senate seat, told USA Today Network reporter John Kennedy.

Beyond the erasure of arts and culture

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