The Desert Sun

This potato salad will win over seafood lovers

- Bethany Thayer

If you’re ready to take your potato salad up a notch or two, here’s an idea: Add shrimp and salmon.

Today’s recipe makes a spectacula­r addition to a picnic or Sunday brunch. And don’t worry if you have a seafood allergy, we also have some no-fish substituti­ons.

Potatoes are naturally fat-free, cholestero­l-free and sodium-free. They’re rich in vitamin C, an antioxidan­t that supports growth and boosts the immune system. In addition, the potassium in potatoes is good for the heart, other muscles, nervous system and blood pressure.

Unfortunat­ely, potatoes get a bad reputation because they’re often prepared with lots of fat and salt, as with chips, french fries and baked potatoes swimming in butter and sour cream.

But when prepared healthfull­y, they can be a vital part of your diet.

By adding salmon and shrimp to your salad, you’re loading up on protein. The salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids to support the health of the brain and heart. The shrimp has essential nutrients like vitamin B12, selenium and zinc. Also, the iodine in shrimp is important for thyroid health. If fresh salmon and shrimp are not available, it’s fine to use canned salmon and shrimp, but it may contain more sodium.

If you have a seafood allergy, simply substitute pieces of rotisserie chicken or use canned beans that have been rinsed and drained.

We’ve combined the mild salmon and cooked shrimp with baby redskin potatoes, crunchy celery, spicy radish, fresh cilantro and green onions. All of this is topped with a tangy dressing made with Dijon mustard, lemon juice and olive oil.

Bethany Taylor, a registered dietitian, is director of the Henry Ford Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at Henry Ford Health.

 ?? RIVA SAYEGH-MCCULLEN PROVIDED BY ?? Shrimp and salmon potato salad has 24 grams of protein per serving.
RIVA SAYEGH-MCCULLEN PROVIDED BY Shrimp and salmon potato salad has 24 grams of protein per serving.

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